Well had another very nice visit to night. I always love getting to sit around and just talk with folks who share the same interest as you. Talked some seed business but mostly just cought up. I have I couple cool things we talked about to look up and really just had a nice time. He also was nice enough to bring me a purple alien og clone and a master kush clone his buddy picked from 15 girls he pheno hunted. Going to get a Frank's Gift and a Lucy's lion down to Cali to his buddy who makes Cbd oil for kids. Also picked up the last of what I needed for the chicken pen so they can get put up before I leave.image.jpeg
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Yea it should be fun. Looks hell of a lot like the purple fireballs cut I have and they have a lot of the same lines mixed in to them. I am thinking of taking one of the couple PFB s1s I am making and crossing it to the alien og and then go to a s2 on that before the outcross. What you think @genuity @Joedank ?
I was on bobbitchen's thread and came up with a name for this project heralding back to my younger days growing up in Atlanta

ATLAlien = purple alien og X fireballs s1

" Now I practice what I preach and don't lie
I have met my maker and the maker of my peace of the pie
Now breaker breaker 10/4 can I get some reply"
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In the video it sounds like you are not going to run her again. You should cross her with something fire that is a slow grower. I would love to cross her with Frank's Gift.
In the video it sounds like you are not going to run her again. You should cross her with something fire that is a slow grower. I would love to cross her with Frank's Gift.
I have the pollen to do it if you want me to but for now she will stay. It will most likely be going to Portland to Mike and I will get them around Eugene if that's cool.