THE LOT ~ Music Festival Lifestyle

What rainbow gatherings have you been too? Gatherings are the least sketchy of them sound more like a raver than a head... Dissing the dead but calling.yourself FAM??? This is WEAK!
What rainbow gatherings have you been too? Gatherings are the least sketchy of them sound more like a raver than a head... Dissing the dead but calling.yourself FAM??? This is WEAK!
Who are you talking to bro? Specification is key lol
I believe heatless BBQ said rainbow gatherings were where the sketchyest peeps go...
I hate to be "that guy" but heatless is right bro. They aren't the sketchiest people, and if you read it he never said they were, but come on man even you have to admit that there are definitely some sketchy people brought about by dealing with rainbow.
I hate to be "that guy" but heatless is right bro. They aren't the sketchiest people, and if you read it he never said they were, but come on man even you have to admit that there are definitely some sketchy people brought about by dealing with rainbow.[/QUOTE
Ok poi Boi what gatherings have you been too, girl?
None, all the rainbow fam I know are either junkies or do shady shit like dilute their vials (and yes I know that for a fact as he told me himself then immediately asked if I needed work) So no you aren't going to see me at a gathering. I prefer to kick it with old fam, if you must know.
Every town, city, gathering, festie, even the line to go sit on Santa's lap has sketchy people in it.
Heatless is on here every single day. This is his thread. This is OUR home, OUR gathering. You have 12 posts under your belt and all but 4 have been you talking down on heatless or calling canndo's shroom tek a joke. Nice start bud. Why spread all that hate when you could be spreading love and good vibes??
Saudi aurora hahahaha, iam guessing you were up on the north end of aurora? Congrats on making it outta the war zone bud haha.

That's what they used to call the south side before it became Centennial.

Definetly not a war zone, just a bunch of people who decided they wanted to pay more for less city services and a fancier name. Fuck that.
First off that shroom teknis a fuxking complete joke. Second I have been on the scene longer than any of you, I can GURANTEE that. This forum sucks, sorry but I call it like I see it. In my first day here I see one of the worst cube teks in history getting tons of praise, and now in this thread is a bunch of fuxking newjack bubblegummers who think STS9 is good!!! I have been on the scene MUCH longer than any of you, FACT! And don't tell me to chill, you guys are talking shit on rainbow when you don't have a clue.... Oh you talked to one wack dude who cut his vials so now rainbow brings about the shadyest characters?? Your a fuxking joke, that was one of the dumbest statements you could have made to try to make your point. And keep talking shit about the dead... If it wasn't for the dead none of you piss pants bubble gummers wouldn't have any fests to go to and do a bunch of K at hahahaha. This forum is pretty weak from what I have seen so far. You guys don't have the slightest clue and its hilarious.
Oh and I must say if some guy is getting away with watering down vials than good for him, anyone who isn't throwing their shit up on a test kit when buying shit off of some lot kid deserves to get beat.
Lmao what is this "old FAM" you speak off??
Its funny that since I'm defending rainbow and the dead that I'm "spreading hate", but if I was up here saying how shitty rainbow and the dead were you all would be down with me, bahahahaha, you guys were the ones spreading the hate, butnits not considered hate because you all agree.
Bahaha old FAM... You sound like a jaded new jack, you prolly love camp bisco too omg..