The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
I'd hate to see the state of your sheets if that shit hole in the back ground is anything to go by!!
Haha fair play actually that's some shitty side table , I agree it's bang out of order, can assure the sheets are clean tho.

But that reminds me, you're built like a sheet. Is that snide adidas jumper still wearing you or have you eaten since?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Haha all I can think of is underworld born slippy. I put my card in the cash machine and there was that much gear stuck to it it blasted that song out
I'm forever pulling my card out and finding shit stuck to it, the bars just laugh, that's the classy establishments i roll in. lol the one's where you're unrolling notes in the bar queue...


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
lol, take away the floorboards, ducting, mylar and anything but the plants n lights n you have got an idea of what my first grow looked like lmao
mine was an alcove with a sheet over it, bare bulb 600 wired up by my 'sparky' mate, ballast screwed to the back off a set of draws that if you touched it would give you a jolt. ah man i miss my cowboy ways.


Well-Known Member
Out of interest what seedbanks do people use other than Attitude as they have proper shit freebies n offers currently?