Oregon's govt. control freaks - Man Gets Prison Sentence For Collecting Rainwater On His Property


Well-Known Member
The farmers are the problem. Growing cash crop nuts that destroy water instead of fruits and vegetables that are actually nourishing. There are cities out here that people don't have showering water because the farmers are illegally drilling 2000 feet into the ground to pull water out. Unfortunately the residents all around cannot afford the millions it costs to keep up with the well depth of the farmers, so there just isn't any water for them. Because almonds are worth more than people.
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There is a lack of water and the farmers are the problem? Son, you got an issue with logic.

The infrastructure is the problem. We have a planet that is 80% water. Farmers do not create water so they are not the problem.

Increasing supply is the solution, not rationing.


Well-Known Member
I engaged a bunch of fruit growers in SoCal about just that. They said there's not enough rainfall to make it worthwhile, something like 15" average in the San Diego area. Needless to say I hotly contested that as even morning dew or a drizzle can amount to quite a bit depending on your design.
Water has always been a battle issue in Cali...

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member

You're not very bright.

The deal is: If Trump becomes President, I leave. If Trump does not, you leave. If you don't take that deal, I don't leave if he wins. That's all that's available.

You leaving if Trump wins is all on you. That's not the deal I've set forth.
Why do either of you have to leave?

Seems like some macho bullshit posturing or bullying.

I do not approve of bullying. Just fight or ignore him. Don't try to chase people off. We have enough people leaving over this stupid bully behavior.


Well-Known Member
Why do either of you have to leave?

Seems like some macho bullshit posturing or bullying.

I do not approve of bullying. Just fight or ignore him. Don't try to chase people off. We have enough people leaving over this stupid bully behavior.
I like to bet signature space.


Well-Known Member
There is a lack of water and the farmers are the problem? Son, you got an issue with logic.

The infrastructure is the problem. We have a planet that is 80% water. Farmers do not create water so they are not the problem.

Increasing supply is the solution, not rationing.
They have been cloud seeding in Cali for decades, it only helps so much..

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Are you talking about people who use their roofs to collect water? I have heard that water isn't good for drinking.
Of course it's good for drinking, excellent, and that's how it's collected - off house roofs, barns, sheds. It's the purest water you can use both in terms of no salts and no bacteria. Composite roofs are great too for collecting water. Many folks around here install metal "standing seam" roofs.

Shot this for you guys which shows the high end of collection costs for a family of 2-3, even during droughts. I could do a lot of work myself if I wanted to and save a bundle. Also the ozonator and recirculating that drops into the holding tank is not a must, just keeps down bacteria in case the tank water goes stagnant over a long time, which is not likely to happen.


Think I'm gonna go whole house R/O - super simple, tank, unit and pipes for a 1,000 gal. per day unit. All R/O and waste water is returned to the ground. None of this trenching, guttering, piping stuff.


Well-Known Member
That is interesting. Would collecting a few barrels, which inhabit 2-4 square feet of ground really make that much of a difference when another 200 square feet is unclaimed?

Are you talking about people who use their roofs to collect water? I have heard that water isn't good for drinking.

Seems like such a small percentage of land being used to collect rain water. Ultimately it goes back into the soil right? Either it is used for gardening or drank and expelled from the body.

How does it not return to the water table?
Water collected from rooftops are not potable.

13 million gallons of water is not personal use.

Water returns to the water table through seeping.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Hey Nitro how can you square the fact that 59% of NATIONWIDE VOTERS don't like the dumpster and 89% of Hispanics hate him, how then can you say he's going to win with numbers like that? Ain't enough bigots out there to put him over the top! Fuck the dumpster!

Hey B4L, We have a long ways to go to find out how much of the nation are bigots. In florida it looks like about 50% of the voters are bigots and in Nevada it looks like 34% of the hispanics are bigots. So who the hell knows whats going to happen. TRUMP!


Well-Known Member
There is a lack of water and the farmers are the problem? Son, you got an issue with logic.

The infrastructure is the problem. We have a planet that is 80% water. Farmers do not create water so they are not the problem.

Increasing supply is the solution, not rationing.
Farmers use 80% of cas potable water directly for agriculture. In the recent years, farmers have swapped from fruits and veggies to nuts due to the profit margins. Nuts also use an incredibly high ratio of water to harvest weight. They're stats dude. Farmers do not create the problem, but they are making it worse very quickly. And at the expensive of actual people's lives/hygiene.

The fact that your lacking the knowledge that would inform you that turning seawater, which I'm assuming is the 80% you are talking about, into drinking water is very hard, expensive, and inefficient is not super surprising. Those are only part of the reason your thinking here is flawed. What do you think happens when we deplete the sea the way we have natural fresh water? Do you think it's good to fuck with one of our best and definitely our largest natural filtration systems? Do you think that isn't going to effect the ecosystem of the entire planet? You are missing some key scientific info as to why we aren't just harvesting 80% of our most important resource.

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Well-Known Member
Farmers use 80% of cas potable water directly for agriculture. In the recent years, farmers have swapped from fruits and veggies to nuts due to the profit margins. Nuts also use an incredibly high ratio of water to harvest weight. They're stats dude. Farmers do not create the problem, but they are making it worse very quickly. And at the expensive of actual people's lives/hygiene.

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Because people do not need to eat food or anything. That is a silly luxury!!!

You answer is to socialize farming and force farmers to grow the crops you think are better for society or simply force them out of business cause they dare try to maximize their profits.

I suggest providing more water but that is expensive and shit and the farmers cant afford it... Wait what??? I thought the farmers were maxing out the cash on their crops!!!

You are arguing out of both sides of your mouth....


Well-Known Member
Because people do not need to eat food or anything. That is a silly luxury!!!

You answer is to socialize farming and force farmers to grow the crops you think are better for society or simply force them out of business cause they dare try to maximize their profits.

I suggest providing more water but that is expensive and shit and the farmers cant afford it... Wait what??? I thought the farmers were maxing out the cash on their crops!!!

You are arguing out of both sides of your mouth....
I guess you are missing the part of my posts that specific nut farmers...

You reading comprehension is pretty sweet just like your other buddy who doesn't like to pay his employees.

I think that, in a drought, absolutely, unnecessary crops that devour water should be regulated. Outside out drought, grow whatever the fuck you want. Survival over money dude.

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Well-Known Member
I guess you are missing the part of my posts that specific nut farmers...

You reading comprehension is pretty sweet just like your other buddy who doesn't like to pay his employees.

I think that, in a drought, absolutely, unnecessary crops that devour water should be regulated. Outside out drought, grow whatever the fuck you want. Survival over money dude.

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LOL!!! This isnt about survival, we both know that. If it was survival they would desalinate water. You are right, survival over money....

Right now it is just politics.


Well-Known Member
And you still seem to be missing all of the environmental repercussions of your suggestion.

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Yes, boiling water would be a catastrophy!!! GLOBAL WARMING!!!! OBAMA!!! ALGORE!!!!