nuggs 2016

i don't want to get out of it. I'm starting to get those massages next! my threapist is about my age or so she seems hot now. funny how years ago older lady's were taboo! shows when you're in your 60's ! dirty ol man
I have to becareful , got a new baby on the way!
@fumble Are you back home yet? hope you are having a wonderful time!
@TWS I threw all my mothers out . I took cuts off everything . I have other plans. are you up here yet?
got 10 mins
Still in PA...coming home Monday. I am having the most wonderful time, yes...thanks friend :)
bok bok lol...I've got 400 mini sugar cookies to make as soon as I get my regular deliveries. I am truly enjoying myself! So nice to not have to bust my ass for a whole week ;)
Sounds nice:)

I head out in a few hours since I got the theme fixed. I thought the new one was going to kick my ass for a minute but figured it out. I had to get the one that wires up all funky.
Sounds nice:)

I head out in a few hours since I got the theme fixed. I thought the new one was going to kick my ass for a minute but figured it out. I had to get the one that wires up all funky.
It is for sure!

Do u make any hard boiled type candys/lollies fumble ?
I do...if I get requests. Hard candies can be a pain because sugar is a temperamental bitch lol.