The best approach to powering fans for our cobs is to run them in parallel with one another from a power source, which in your case is a MeanWell APV-12-12. The APV-12-12 will offer 12V/1A or 12W to play with. By running your fans in parallel, you get the benefit of running them each at 12V, all the while sharing the 1A. This is a good thing as many computer fans, like 120mm, run best at 12V rather than 5V and typically consume ~200mA at 12V. This means that if you have three fans running at 12V/200mA each and their powered by the APV-12-12, you have around 400mA left to spare. It's ok and typically a good thing to leave ~100mA of spare current in the case that some run a little higher than the others.
If your fans are truly 2W a piece at 12V, ~167mA, then you could theoretically run 5~6 of those same fans off of one APV-12-12. Six would be pushing it, five would be just fine.