Breeders Boutique


Well-Known Member
I haven't smoked the two buds I snatched off the stalk to dry fast yet. The are funky. I would describe it as feully with some sweet. Real "loud" is what some would say. I"m liking it I also got this one going:
This one was throwing out all kinds of preflowers in 24hr light cycle. She is a little leafy, I've pulled a few and might grab a couple more of the large ones, but not to much. This thing has a calax growing right out the middle of one of the large fan leaves! Never had that before. This plant looks to have a lot of potential. Took a few cutting of course. I tried to take a pic of the fan leaf but my shitty phone cut off, but it is on the far left and out of focus but can be seen.
Blue PIt
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Well-Known Member
As far as the general smell they have a very pungent odor. A lot of feul smell. I try to avoid touching them, as getting the oils off is a pain in the ass, and everything I touch gets the Blue Pit funk smell and it doesn't go anywhere.

Mmm Mmm that's my kinda plant. Reminds me of the dog, she's a lot like that to. The Nuggets wiegh up quick.... here's hoping the BP is like that to for ya:) love the dog nugs, sound like rocks when they hit the table


Well-Known Member
Does that mean no more of this nonsense about you not growing?! I certianily.hope so!
No sir. No growing for me still.. These beans are going into the vault whatever they may be. :) I have clearance from the wife but I don't have the space to do it stealthily in the yard so that puts me indoors.. :( While I enjoy growing it's not worth it to do small runs and have to control indoor temps while the season is perfect outside.
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Well-Known Member
No sir. No growing for me still.. These beans are going into the vault whatever they may be. :) I have clearance from the wife but I don't have the space to do it stealthily in the yard so that puts me indoors.. :( While I enjoy growing it's not worth it to do small runs and have to control indoor temps while the season is perfect outside.
man..thats disappointing Im sure! i cant imagine not growin.