how to grow mushrooms the easy way

The thing that really gets me is that if someone made a thread called "grow bud the easy way" and said to grab a couple flashlights , a couple clear solo cups, some dirt out of the back yard, some miracle gro and a fish tank, THEN on top of it said that 12/12 isn't the biggest flowering trigger, you all would be flaming the shit out of that person...

Probably because that wouldn't work

I don't think anything, its fact that this tek is Garbo and full of falseness.. Sorry you can't handle that

What's actually a fact is that this tek works and yields you a decent amount of mushrooms for personal use

I think that's your problem, you seem to think your opinions are facts. I get it now
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Good for you.... Do what works for you. Some of us aren't here to produce bulk amounts of mushrooms. This tek had me my first pins within a month of inoculation, and was supplying me weekly mushrooms for over 15 weeks. It works, I'm sure there's plenty of different better ways to do it but this way is simple..... and it works. I mean what don't you understand lol. Saying that something is garbage is an opinion itself, and there is no correct way to grow mushrooms, there's so many different ways to do it. I bet there's someone out there that would say your correct way is shit.

Which reminds me there's always going to be people like you and I need to just ignore them. Sorry for carrying out this pointless conversation :lol:
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It would be great if you started a thread and dumbed it down from step 1 to harvest... You seem to know your shit, arguing and berating people gets old quick.. Share some info and drop some knowledge on us.. I've never grown shrooms, those kits look like a pain in the dick n the harvest look too small to waste time on.
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Bulk is actually easier, you can make 3 grain jars, inoculate them, let them grow out, get some coir/horse shit, pasteurize it, drill 12 holes in a sterilite tub, cover them with micropore tape, put a trash bag liner in the bottom, mix your colonized grain/horseshit/coir in it, wait 10 days and keep it in a clean place, expose to light and wait.One tub (27 quart size) CAN put out enough shrooms to keep one person happy for quite some time unless you eat shrooms every weekend. You can over twice as much in the same size tub doing bulk as you could doing a bunch of cakes or growing out of jars etc.

just my .02c
I'm not interested in eating em..just selling them..I haven't done shrooms since I was 20..I'm not interested in acid or shrooms consumption.
Well then you need to learn how to grow, a LOT of them lol. It's actually quite easy, but this thread isn't going to teach you how to do it. I'm not saying that to be rude, this just isn't the way.
This thread is just one of a multitude of approaches. In the end it's all about the intended outcome. And what you can comfortably work with at the time. Everyone has different circumstances and living situations.
I'm looking to grow em outdoor, all kinds of mushrooms grow on my property in the summer.. I gotta think its very doable to grow them.
I would like to say sorry for being so aggressive in my approach. I would like to now say that , yes, this ten will yield you some booms of done correctly.
My reason for getting so annoyed by this thread is that there is a few times where very false info is being stated, that's my beef, if it wasn't for the false infonthen I wouldn't have even commented at all.
So just for the record: sorry for being an ass. This tek can yeild you boomers.
But colonizing in the dark is false, light being a major pinning trigger is false, and saying hydration is not needed for a second flush is false( well it's needed if you want GOOD later flushes) shrooms are over 90% water, they suck up the water in a substrate as they grow, of you don't rehydrate after flushs you will peoabably have small shrooms that mature early. Hope we can all be friends now :)
I'm looking to grow em outdoor, all kinds of mushrooms grow on my property in the summer.. I gotta think its very doable to grow them.
I don't know too much on outdoor grows, bit I know the basics. And if you say your yard grows lots of wild mushrooms then chances are you can have a very successful outdoor patch. I used to live in a house that was smack dab in the middle of fungi avenue lol, all types of wild fungi grew, whenever I threw out my spent substrates I would be speaxhless when I would see how much weight those spent sub would pump out being outside. Hmmmm maybe I should do a little reading tonight on outdoor patch's, its beginning to sound like an easy, xheap, low maintained required way to boost my bankroll this summer....
I'm looking to grow em outdoor, all kinds of mushrooms grow on my property in the summer.. I gotta think its very doable to grow them.
Yeah man. Several ways. Depending upon your approach and $. You can even create a decorative garden scene. Oooooohhhhh. No but seriously. Its how nature intended.
I don't know too much on outdoor grows, bit I know the basics. And if you say your yard grows lots of wild mushrooms then chances are you can have a very successful outdoor patch. I used to live in a house that was smack dab in the middle of fungi avenue lol, all types of wild fungi grew, whenever I threw out my spent substrates I would be speaxhless when I would see how much weight those spent sub would pump out being outside. Hmmmm maybe I should do a little reading tonight on outdoor patch's, its beginning to sound like an easy, xheap, low maintained required way to boost my bankroll this summer....
I want to do that around my brother's house actually. One of the reasons why I want to leave NY.
Lots of dead oak around oaks too.. The girl at the grocery store told me she and her mom pick 75-100 lbs of " chicken in the woods". Every season and morral mushrooms...I got like 4 or 5 different kinds on my 2 acres alone.. Some get huge.
I would like to say sorry for being so aggressive in my approach. I would like to now say that , yes, this ten will yield you some booms of done correctly.
My reasono annoyed by this thread is that there is a few times where very false info is being stated, that's my beef, if it wasn't for the false infonthen I wouldn't have even commented at all.
So just for the record: sorry for being an ass. This tek can yeild you boomers.
But colonizing in the dark is false, light being a major pinning trigger is false, and saying hydration is not needed for a second flush is false( well it's needed if you want GOOD later flushes) shrooms are over 90% water, they suck up the water in a substrate as they grow, of you don't rehydrate after flushs you will peoabably have small shrooms that mature early. Hope we can all be friends now :)

Please show us that scientific evidence that light is not a primary trigger.

Further, because light IS a primary trigger and also lends directional it and proportionality to the fruit, growing in the dark and exposing only the surfaces you wish to pin from makes sense.

Especially when border breaks or side pins are unwanted, as in growing in a glass jar.

I said re hydration is not needed because if you have hyperhydrated your substrate initially and have taken care to keep unnecessary moisture to a minimum.

(keep temperatures low and rh high then the substrate should contain enough water for three good flushes.

"dunking" is of limited usefulness in this tech and will promote contamination, especially if your soak is not done in a cool environment.

The best way to continue high moisture levels is to care for your casing.

A "skin" that is relatively impervious to water tends to form on the bare mycelium mass that just doesn't absorb much water.

Try it for yourself if you do not believe me. Weigh the fruit and soak it in water. Weigh it again, very little difference.

Now take a mature block of mycelium and do the same.

Want to talk light?

Grow your substrate out in a spawn bag.

When it is mature, tape one half of the bag with black electrician tape.

Expose the thing to a few hours a day of light. When you see pins on the clear side, tear the bag off and check it.

Evaporation is constant through the bag.

The reality with this species is that it will find a way to fruit no matter what you do or fail to do.

The key us timing and orchestration.

Light and co2 (or its lack) are primary, nutrient loss and temperature are minor.

Combine them all and you get the most yield possible in the first two flushesflushes.
After knocking up my jars do i tape the holes or leave them open. Can't seem to find an answer anywhere
If you are talking about PF jars, you have a dry verm barrier so contams shouldn't be a worry unless you packed it really loose. If you are talking about grain jars..... no need to use tape although micropore could work. Polyfil is generally better in that situation ime.

Either way you will want gas exchange, and sealing off either type of jar is going to stunt them, if not kill off colonization altogether. This may not ALWAYS be the situation, but the more likely scenario.
If you are talking about PF jars, you have a dry verm barrier so contams shouldn't be a worry unless you packed it really loose. If you are talking about grain jars..... no need to use tape although micropore could work. Polyfil is generally better in that situation ime.

Either way you will want gas exchange, and sealing off either type of jar is going to stunt them, if not kill off colonization altogether. This may not ALWAYS be the situation, but the more likely scenario.
Yea I ment pf jars thanks for the fast answer bro