Enter the Dungeon! New and Improved Dungeons Vault Genetics

Placed and order for Grandpa's Breathf2 about 2 weeks ago from sourpatchseeds get an email a few days later saying that they were out of stock but that he was expecting a reup from E, and that I could pay and he would ship when they were back in stock.I passed on that option, never received a subsequent in stock email..lol...if you want any of dv's gear greenline and substrate genetics are super legit and ship timely..I've received several orders from them in the last few weeks. I've got Grandslam, foul mouth, hotrod and purple vapor now. 100% germination rates on everything but Grandslam which I have yet to soak.
Grandpa's breath f2 will be back in stock by Monday fyi. Just because a bank hastatements a pack in stock does not make them legit. Substrate is a good dude and I have much love for the dude. Greenline not so much. Ask around about the guy in circles that matter, his name does not have a good ring to it.
Its my flagship. My first creation that KEN didn't have access to. I used a crazy grandpas breath stud and started the GRANDPAS BREATH PROJECT. Other strains will come, but unlike other new "breeders" and I use that term lightly, I'm not trying to release new strains weekly like an on demand movie. Thats not a good look. We will focus on working specific lines and releasing (slowly) New F1's. Citrus Farmer F2, Scouts Honor F2, Candyland V2 F2, and Pink Candy F2 will be starting sooner than later.
Normally my strains don't finish that quick. Definitely taking notes.
If you're planning on "slowly" working out the lines, why only f1s? I totally get being picky about parents in a cross. But if you're only going first filial generation crosses, why not release new strains all the time that's essentially what all these fly by night breeders are doing?

It'd be nice to have another breeder that actually brings stable gear to the scene. With some later filial generations and traits actually worked into them. Rather than first generation, unrelated polyhybrids.

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Grandpa's breath f2 will be back in stock by Monday fyi. Just because a bank hastatements a pack in stock does not make them legit. Substrate is a good dude and I have much love for the dude. Greenline not so much. Ask around about the guy in circles that matter, his name does not have a good ring to it.
I just bought off greenline :( lol well w/e
Did you actually pay me for it brother. Cuz I pull no Bullshit on anyone and have never swapped packs on people last minute. When it's mail order only its first come first serve. Some people don't send the payment and others do, I can never tell which order email is gonna be the one. Half the cats that order are too high to remember to hit the post and drop the scratch the next day, (they actually told me this). I honestly did not have the time to do an inventory but I did contact every single customer that ordered it and let then know BEFORE they paid.
Pay you for what? I never ordered anything from you and won't be in future. I won't be sending cash in the 'hope' it is still in stock when my money arrives. What's funny is, you aren't doing yourself any favours by slandering other seed banks. I don't 'rep' for the dank team, I made 2 orders with them. They don't ship international any more so won't be using them again.
Pay you for what? I never ordered anything from you and won't be in future. I won't be sending cash in the 'hope' it is still in stock when my money arrives. What's funny is, you aren't doing yourself any favours by slandering other seed banks. I don't 'rep' for the dank team, I made 2 orders with them. They don't ship international any more so won't be using them again.
I take credit and debit over the phone and paypal. I confirm stock a d put your order together while I'm talking with you before accepting payment.

I don't like discussing any other banks for just this reason. Because I am a bank it always sounds like slander. I only talk about what I have heard first hand from customers and breeders that I work with. I am the most trusted cat in the game as evidenced by the sheer number of high quite breeders that I actually stock and I purchased direct from the breeder.

I won't name names but it won't be hard to figure out. There are other banks that claim to carry breeders and call themselves verified banks but have stock listed up for sale as if it came from their personal stash box. They are not authorized distributors by any means but claim to be. Many banks put breeders names on their site to generate hits on Google that they don't carry and never will.

I am friends with a fair amount of the guys I work with and know for a fact that some of these guys have purchased seed at cups and from other banks at retail just to add them to their site to appear legit and trusted. For instance I am 1 of 3 American banks besides Artizen seed shop and Seeds-r-us to be verified to carry franchise genetics. Dark horse was too back when it was active. Somehow there are others that have Franchise Genetics on their site without the permission of the breeder. Not verified.

I ship globally all day brother. No issues here
I take credit and debit over the phone and paypal. I confirm stock a d put your order together while I'm talking with you before accepting payment.

I don't like discussing any other banks for just this reason. Because I am a bank it always sounds like slander. I only talk about what I have heard first hand from customers and breeders that I work with. I am the most trusted cat in the game as evidenced by the sheer number of high quite breeders that I actually stock and I purchased direct from the breeder.

I won't name names but it won't be hard to figure out. There are other banks that claim to carry breeders and call themselves verified banks but have stock listed up for sale as if it came from their personal stash box. They are not authorized distributors by any means but claim to be. Many banks put breeders names on their site to generate hits on Google that they don't carry and never will.

I am friends with a fair amount of the guys I work with and know for a fact that some of these guys have purchased seed at cups and from other banks at retail just to add them to their site to appear legit and trusted. For instance I am 1 of 3 American banks besides Artizen seed shop and Seeds-r-us to be verified to carry franchise genetics. Dark horse was too back when it was active. Somehow there are others that have Franchise Genetics on their site without the permission of the breeder. Not verified.

I ship globally all day brother. No issues here
Ok cool, cheers for letting me know about the credit cards.
No worries mate, I'm not trying to start anything with you, it just doesn't come accross well when someone talks about other banks and their business. Best to keep it clean and let your business and service do the talking!
If I'm looking to get through you, I'll call and talk to you, depending on what time of the day it is here ha!
Glad to hear you sorted Velvet out, I hope we can all move on. Peace.
Got two grandpa's breath and humble pie as freebie. Can't wait to give these a go. Mountain inceptions had same deal going
I havent pulled the triggger yet but if that deal is still going id rather humble piie as a freebie. that means i can pay for another pack i really want and end up with the 3 packs i was eyeing for the price of 2

the website is down tho..