injunction/court case updates

Where are the bodies? Where are the Canadians who are getting sick from the concerns you raise? Where are they? Everything you're suggesting isn't needed and constitutes a barrier to access. Next you're going to tell us how unscrupulous growers are lacing weed with fentynal ect. Fucking noting but bullshit out of you as usual.
seems to me it's in the best interest to the consumer to know that their meds come from a safe regulated source. No? What do you have against consumer protection? Are you a commercial grower worried about your cultivation techniques?

May I ask how your involved in this situation? You Mmar?mmpr? Dg? How does this affect you?

In the interests of full disclosure, MMAR.

Given you've been clear about your intentions to become a LP (unless I'm mistaken), it's safe to say you do have a pony in the race.

All of that is irrelevant to the core issues raised here though. Either you have evidence for your claims of the dangers of all those scumbags who spray weed with bleach, or you're arguing the same things Holmquist and Garis did.
In the interests of full disclosure, MMAR.

Given you've been clear about your intentions to become a LP (unless I'm mistaken), it's safe to say you do have a pony in the race.

All of that is irrelevant to the core issues raised here though. Either you have evidence for your claims of the dangers of all those scumbags who spray weed with bleach, or you're arguing the same things Holmquist and Garis did.

I do have an application in to become a Licenced producer, but I'm a grower first and foremost (25+ years) , and was a DG for 5 years in the MMAR. With or with out the MMPR I will continue to grow cannabis, it's in my blood, it's my passion. My goal or intentions are to continue to grow and if I can help people, and to lead by example how a medical cannabis provider should conduct themselves. Like I mentioned I'm not a corporation or big business just a regular guy with a passion for the cannabis plant.
It's been a pleasure sparing with you, it's nice to have an exchange for once without name calling or bulling. I appreciate that more than you know it's a rarity in this forum.

Peace Itsme.
seems to me it's in the best interest to the consumer to know that their meds come from a safe regulated source. No? What do you have against consumer protection? Are you a commercial grower worried about your cultivation techniques?


Well if people can grow their own, they know where it comes from and what's on it since they are growing it themselves. Will enough people care what is on their weed? Probably not since most are still buying grey market weed and not many seem to care about the LP's.

Haven't posted here I a while but after reading your nonsense I have to step in. Simply rebranding an LP as a designated grower will not happen. That is exactly what the mmpr was. Forcing people to go to the government approved "designated growers" or LPS as they are known. Take some time to form your thoughts before you present them to the world.

Take some extra time to read.
You've missed the whole point of allowing homegrows and providing a list of approved dg's (lp's) which would completely be in line with this ruling and the laws.
You have no idea how that stuff at the farmers market was grown... but ok...

I recently heard through ICmag, but then another friend of mine that indeed the LPs have been using Nova because HC doesn't test for it. But sure, you trust the system.
In the future I was told by the head of the research dept of one our top Universities who are applying for a dealers license, they will be testing Cannabis for HC and will be testing for over 3,000 different moulds pesticides insect carcasses etc, the problem right now is no one is setup to do a thorough testing regime, lots of the LP's are abusing the system at the moment, so I hear.

It is very easy to pass a test with one product and have it approved and release another, in the future random sampling will occur and those found abusing the system will be fined and or sued shut down ie: Colarodo grower being sued and charged criminally for supplying contaminated products the MM industry.

I know of a few people being tapped on the shoulder to consult for the Blair task force and this and irradiating Cannabis are going to be but a few issues they will be recommending be addressed.

In the future I was told by the head of the research dept of one our top Universities who are applying for a dealers license, they will be testing Cannabis for HC and will be testing for over 3,000 different moulds pesticides insect carcasses etc, the problem right now is no one is setup to do a thorough testing regime, lots of the LP's are abusing the system at the moment, so I hear.

It is very easy to pass a test with one product and have it approved and release another, in the future random sampling will occur and those found abusing the system will be fined and or sued shut down ie: Colarodo grower being sued and charged criminally for supplying contaminated products the MM industry.

I know of a few people being tapped on the shoulder to consult for the Blair task force and this and irradiating Cannabis are going to be but a few issues they will be recommending be addressed.


I'm not sure the government will care. They allow tobacco to be sprayed with all kinds of nasty shit at really high levels because it's not a crop for human consumption supposedly. I guess people eat their cannabis so perhaps we'll have that going for us - but even then HC allows all kinds of nasty pesticides/fungicides to be used on food. Nova is used commonly on many crops in Canada almost up until the day of harvest.
The facts are though that any pesticide herbicide has to be approved for use on consumables and that takes minimum 5 yrs of lobbying and testing before approved, very few 2 to 4 products have been approved for medical cannabis and it will be yrs before any of the products approved on current consumables are to be approved for MJ, not here to rant or engage just sharing what I am aware of .

I'm not sure the government will care. They allow tobacco to be sprayed with all kinds of nasty shit at really high levels because it's not a crop for human consumption supposedly. I guess people eat their cannabis so perhaps we'll have that going for us - but even then HC allows all kinds of nasty pesticides/fungicides to be used on food. Nova is used commonly on many crops in Canada almost up until the day of harvest.
Do avid amd nova continue to degrade after harvest? Can bud sprayed with these pesticides be without a trace after X amount of time curing?
Do avid amd nova continue to degrade after harvest? Can bud sprayed with these pesticides be without a trace after X amount of time curing?

I don't know the half life of Avid but I know that Nova can still be detected 100+ days after spraying. It's half life is around 30-40 days, but that's only half way degraded at that point. This would be in soil and water (meaning in plant too). In the air it degrades much faster.
Do avid amd nova continue to degrade after harvest? Can bud sprayed with these pesticides be without a trace after X amount of time curing?
Life span is 90 days. Check out mega and white wash. Mega wash is for bugs and white wash is for fungas. Its only water that has had electronic pulses pushed through it. Mega works very well, bugs are split apart when veiwed through scope. On line its easier to find if you check out mighty wash. Dont know why its called a different name here in canada.
Thanks I don't need to use any just curious as to if they continued to break down after harvest or not. How soon after harvest do lp's have to have the product tested?
Life span is 90 days. Check out mega and white wash. Mega wash is for bugs and white wash is for fungas. Its only water that has had electronic pulses pushed through it. Mega works very well, bugs are split apart when veiwed through scope. On line its easier to find if you check out mighty wash. Dont know why its called a different name here in canada.
To each their own, you can buy from unknown sources, but if I was sick and purchasing something I'm consuming, Im buying from a regulated and quality assured provider. I guess I'm funny that way. Why should cannabis be different than any other natural health product? How many NHP are produced with no sort of regulation? Why are you so against good manufacturing practices?

i don't think it's being afraid. you say your grows are clean and good etc so you are confident that you produce a good clean product. you're not the only one with "standards" and there are other grpowers who take the same pride in their work. we need more like that!
then there are the folks who throw in seeds, water it hack it down and call it meds. those people should be shot!
they way i would test it-ask for a sample. if it's good and passes "my" standards, then you move forward. anyone can talk a good game.
if i move forward, stay for 2 crops unless crop one is really bad. if nothing changes from 1 to 2, get out. there are a lot of fish in the sea. (now i sound like a dating website...haha)
we've been burned by a few but you'll never know.
look at LP's...they have had a lot of recalls so patients are out of meds. some irradiate because they are bad at what they do. the same problem lies with ANY grower.
there was a patient a few months ago who posted the "free bug" that came in their meds...and that was from a LP who had "standards"