1000 hps vs. 600?


Hi guys,

I'm currently running 1000w hps and a handful of plants have grown to only a few inches away from the lights. They're approaching week 5 so i'm not worried about them getting any taller but they are most definitely going to get burned at this rate.

I'm wondering if I should switch these areas to 600w? Any input is greatly appreciated and I apologize if I'm missing any information.

Thanks ahead of time!


Well-Known Member
Do you have an adjustable ballast? That might be an option. You could dim it down and see what they can tolerate.


Well-Known Member
Hi guys,

I'm currently running 1000w hps and a handful of plants have grown to only a few inches away from the lights. They're approaching week 5 so i'm not worried about them getting any taller but they are most definitely going to get burned at this rate.

I'm wondering if I should switch these areas to 600w? Any input is greatly appreciated and I apologize if I'm missing any information.

Thanks ahead of time!
If it's that big of a deal, fold them over or tie them down. You may get some bleaching but it won't affect the bud quality if you can get it to stay 12 inches from the light. Kind of depends on the hood and how much air is getting through.

Got any pics?


If it's that big of a deal, fold them over or tie them down. You may get some bleaching but it won't affect the bud quality if you can get it to stay 12 inches from the light. Kind of depends on the hood and how much air is getting through.

Got any pics?
Its not necessarily a huge deal but the tops on these could come out very nice so I'm trying to avoid light burn if possible.
I'm using a 3xl de hood over this table. Not sure what you mean by how much air though? Attached is a pic of the tallest one. Literally 2 inches away from light lol...

Thanks guys



Well-Known Member
Its not necessarily a huge deal but the tops on these could come out very nice so I'm trying to avoid light burn if possible.
I'm using a 3xl de hood over this table. Not sure what you mean by how much air though? Attached is a pic of the tallest one. Literally 2 inches away from light lol...

Thanks guys
you're fine to pinch the stems about 14'' under the light; this will make the main stem fall 90dg to the epistem, and will continue to grow colas. i have had flowers touching my hood, if it doesn't burn to the touch, it won't thermally burn the plants. bleaching would be your biggest concern.

personally, i'd snap the meristem and let it grow laterally; all nodes will become apically dominant, and you should see your projected yield, if not more from the effort.

however, if you can touch the lamp hood and not burn yourself after a few minutes, the plants might bleach, but should not burn. i've had plants wrap my cool tubes before with little detriment.

The Cat (Rosey's other portion)


Well-Known Member
Hi guys,

I'm currently running 1000w hps and a handful of plants have grown to only a few inches away from the lights. They're approaching week 5 so i'm not worried about them getting any taller but they are most definitely going to get burned at this rate.

I'm wondering if I should switch these areas to 600w? Any input is greatly appreciated and I apologize if I'm missing any information.

Thanks ahead of time!
Some ballasts can use a splitter.. so you can run 2 600s. off of 1000. I would rather split than run a 1kw at 600.. The spectrum isn't the same for a bulb thats under driven.


Well-Known Member
Some ballasts can use a splitter.. so you can run 2 600s. off of 1000. I would rather split than run a 1kw at 600.. The spectrum isn't the same for a bulb thats under driven.
This is true; underdriven bulbs are kinda against the point.

your bush looks good, pop that meristem and you'll have several apical colas. i think you look really good, just pop that top and let your peristems catch up.


you're fine to pinch the stems about 14'' under the light; this will make the main stem fall 90dg to the epistem, and will continue to grow colas. i have had flowers touching my hood, if it doesn't burn to the touch, it won't thermally burn the plants. bleaching would be your biggest concern.

personally, i'd snap the meristem and let it grow laterally; all nodes will become apically dominant, and you should see your projected yield, if not more from the effort.

however, if you can touch the lamp hood and not burn yourself after a few minutes, the plants might bleach, but should not burn. i've had plants wrap my cool tubes before with little detriment.

The Cat (Rosey's other portion)
Thanks Rosey. Sorry if i'm misunderstanding this. still noobing it up here lol.
Are you saying to top the main stem? Isn't it too late for additional cola growth at this point? (wk5)
My lights are ducted and blown out of the room so heat isn't too much of an issue I think.


Some ballasts can use a splitter.. so you can run 2 600s. off of 1000. I would rather split than run a 1kw at 600.. The spectrum isn't the same for a bulb thats under driven.
Ah I gotchu.. out of curiosity do you know what spectrum it would cover if I dropped to 600? green/blues i'm guessing?



This is true; underdriven bulbs are kinda against the point.

your bush looks good, pop that meristem and you'll have several apical colas. i think you look really good, just pop that top and let your peristems catch up.
I appreciate the compliment! This is just my second run so still figuring things out.
Just so i'm clear.. When you say "pop" do you mean cut?


Well-Known Member
I appreciate the compliment! This is just my second run so still figuring things out.
Just so i'm clear.. When you say "pop" do you mean cut?

i do NOT mean cut, i mean pinch, or bend to the point of snapping. some call this super cropping, but what you are actually doing is breaking the pithy part of the stem so it falls down (generally 90 degrees from the meristem or perpendicular).

this will not damage the top, although it may seem stunted for up to 5 days. instead, all lateral growth will become apical, and your lateral branches will catch up, making an even canopy.



i do NOT mean cut, i mean pinch, or bend to the point of snapping. some call this super cropping, but what you are actually doing is breaking the pithy part of the stem so it falls down (generally 90 degrees from the meristem or perpendicular).

this will not damage the top, although it may seem stunted for up to 5 days. instead, all lateral growth will become apical, and your lateral branches will catch up, making an even canopy.
Stopped me just in time, had my fiskers all ready to go haha jk ;)
Thanks for the clarification! I'm familiar with super cropping but I was under the impression that stem growth is somewhat minimal after week 2-3 of bloom.
Anyway, I might just give that a try!

Appreciate:bigjoint: it!


Well-Known Member
Stopped me just in time, had my fiskers all ready to go haha jk ;)
Thanks for the clarification! I'm familiar with super cropping but I was under the impression that stem growth is somewhat minimal after week 2-3 of bloom.
Anyway, I might just give that a try!

Appreciate:bigjoint: it!
i hope my insight helped, i've had to bend or snap branches in my 3k room before; never fun, but sometimes necessary. ;)


Well-Known Member
when you break the meristem it will leak sugars and water (sap), within three days it will callous and form a knot. it will continue to grow at breakneck speed. ;)

don't worry, it's all gonna turn out great. don't worry if the stem seems limp after, it will harden off and recover very quickly.

this is similar, but not exactly the same as super cropping; it will allow your colas and apical buds to form without diminishing your lateral buds' potential.


Well-Known Member
Ah I gotchu.. out of curiosity do you know what spectrum it would cover if I dropped to 600? green/blues i'm guessing?

There is data circulating on the flatter spectrum response of HID's that is under driven. The data is out there, search engine is your friend.

"Will I hurt my 1000W HPS if I dim it down to 50 percent or any percentages even turbo?
We do not recommend dimming HID lamps in general. Dimming your HID lamps effectively changes the spectral quality coming from the grow lamp which in turn affect the quality of your plant growth.

As you dim your light, you are reducing the heat inside the internal arc tube. This heat is critical allowing the chemistry to mix properly with the electrical arc which produces the spectrum required for plant growth.

You will have better quality plant growth from a 600W light running at 100% than you will from a 1000W light being dimmed down.

Overdriving your grow lights is not recommended because you run the risk of shortening the life of the lamp, burning off the internal chemistry much faster and you could possible blow up the lamp.

- See more at: http://www.eyehortilux.com/ask-a-question/faqs.aspx#sthash.xXOCi2rl.dpuf"


Well-Known Member
Stopped me just in time, had my fiskers all ready to go haha jk ;)
Thanks for the clarification! I'm familiar with super cropping but I was under the impression that stem growth is somewhat minimal after week 2-3 of bloom.
Anyway, I might just give that a try!

Appreciate:bigjoint: it!
I would have snipped myself, thats' just me, the auxins are still in the flower, and that needs to be eliminated for lower growth, or at least manipulated and to give the ones near the screen a better chance to develop auxins in their tops. If you pinch/bend you still have to deal with the boulders hanging over the the other tops. Even if bent over it can still have dominance because its so close to the light.

I dont think there's a right answer for this problem. I've had those rouge tops that just race to the top, its growers choice. I guess you can manipulate it to keep it or cut it to help the other tops. I personally dont like anything that close to a 1kw. The centerspot is way too hot, and can cause that one that reaches the glass first to foxtail, not to mention problems with those precious terpenes getting cooked.

Either way you're gonna have plenty of flowers to enjoy. And you can always grow more.