Rosin Tech

I have a dump truck, 5 acres, and a dream. LoL... I have been limited by space for the last few years. I predict 2016 is going to be a good year.
Ran some 3 year old stale smelling buds last night. Rosin was very dark but smelled better. Vaped pretty nice, exhaled and no stale taste! Very exciting!!

10 seconds later, stale bud after-taste...LOL. Got me marginally high but that after-taste is lousy, going in the trash.
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has anyone seen this?

Thanks for sharing the video, I watched the whole thing and am still on the fence about making some rosin. I guess I could dry sift but I gotta wear a mask for that lolol. Otherwise I won't be able to breathe for a week from all the stuff that gets stuck up in the lungs.

Any way around the parchment paper?
Thanks for sharing the video, I watched the whole thing and am still on the fence about making some rosin. I guess I could dry sift but I gotta wear a mask for that lolol. Otherwise I won't be able to breathe for a week from all the stuff that gets stuck up in the lungs.

Any way around the parchment paper?

now i am not saying ALL parchment if OK to use but the RAW stuff seems to be ok . funny thing is if i bake cookies at 350* for 15 min on parchment folks would killl for em ... but we question pressing rosin on it .... IDK if is ok but its has gotta be better than the 'tane residue whatever that is ....
now i am not saying ALL parchment if OK to use but the RAW stuff seems to be ok . funny thing is if i bake cookies at 350* for 15 min on parchment folks would killl for em ... but we question pressing rosin on it .... IDK if is ok but its has gotta be better than the 'tane residue whatever that is ....

It can vary from brand to brand. John b tested some canadian brand. I've tried different brands with cooking and rosin and they all vary in quality. I still prefer the raw parchment. . It's cheapest on amazon. If you have to order it.
It can vary from brand to brand. John b tested some canadian brand. I've tried different brands with cooking and rosin and they all vary in quality. I still prefer the raw parchment. . It's cheapest on amazon. If you have to order it.

the stuff from tony V looks cool . wonder if it tested ok...??
I started with the unbleached parch but found that it broke down much faster than the regular old renald's. This most certainly left more room for the coating to break off into the rosin... I even saw pieces of fiber sticking out of it. Now weather the actual materials they are made of are toxic for human inhalation is another question. I don't have the answer to that at the moment but when using the thicker regular parch I dont have any problem with it breaking down as long as you don't over use your pieces. If you want an alternative, the silicone pads work pretty well as long as you don't fold them too hard or pinch them with your straightener, and they do make the collection process way easier.
Yeah, was hoping rosin tech would be a save-all, oh we'll...
You would probably have a better chance of saving the stale buds if you kief them first and then press as you would not be steaming the plant material. Better but not a total fix. Don't toss your product just make edibles or topicals with it.
I started with the unbleached parch but found that it broke down much faster than the regular old renald's. This most certainly left more room for the coating to break off into the rosin... I even saw pieces of fiber sticking out of it. Now weather the actual materials they are made of are toxic for human inhalation is another question. I don't have the answer to that at the moment but when using the thicker regular parch I dont have any problem with it breaking down as long as you don't over use your pieces. If you want an alternative, the silicone pads work pretty well as long as you don't fold them too hard or pinch them with your straightener, and they do make the collection process way easier.

You would probably have a better chance of saving the stale buds if you kief them first and then press as you would not be steaming the plant material. Better but not a total fix. Don't toss your product just make edibles or topicals with it.
Thanks, but that stale bud is now sitting out on my lawn. I overgrow my needs so no big deal.