Donald Trump

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I hate Israel because it flagrantly violates international law, and is a predatory politic that is trying for a zionist plan for expanding into "Greater-Israel". Look into the Yinon Plan, you simpleton.

Call me a racist, the Jews in my life know otherwise, your words are powerless. Israel is a country, not a Jew, you are drinking the bitter kool-aid.

And you are a massive cuckold.
I hate Israel because it flagrantly violates international law, and is a predatory politic that is trying for a zionist plan for expanding into "Greater-Israel". Look into the Yinon Plan, you simpleton.

Call me a racist, the Jews in my life know otherwise, your words are powerless. Israel is a country, not a Jew, you are drinking the bitter kool-aid.

And you are a massive cuckold.

poor little jew hater.
Buck you are an inarticulate contrarian. I know it comes from a place of great loneliness. Who hurt you, Buck? Who hurt you?
It is my hope, that those like you should not have to know such loneliness, Buck. I love you, even if you are a autistic loon on the internet. You just want to rattle the cage because your life is lacking validation from others. I understand you, Buck, and I like you just the way you are.
It is my hope, that those like you should not have to know such loneliness, Buck. I love you, even if you are a autistic loon on the internet. You just want to rattle the cage because your life is lacking validation from others. I understand you, Buck, and I like you just the way you are.

you jew loving fuck.
I love people, Jews I love as much as any other. I would wish only peace and prosperity for Israel and all her citizens, I just can't, as a rational adult, justify a war in Libya as a matter of American national security. Not just Israel, I'm far more upset about our military sponsorship of Europe. Why do I have to pay for France's Navy? Why are we spending billions being Europe's military while they call us fat lazy cowboys, all whilst swilling wine at 9am to prepare themselves for a 4-hour work day? They want security, pay for it your fucking self. I don't remember voting for that.
We give mexico aid every year... All trump has to do is have congress reduce that aid in the amount of the cost of the wall and essentially they will have paid for it.

Not really difficult. Maybe the mexican president might figure it out when his welfare check is short...
Not really difficult for a complete moron. Do you know how much aid the US gives Mexico? Not chump change but nothing like the cost of that wall.

The U.S. Government gave a total of $209,432,920 to Mexico in 2012:

The aid was broken down in the following manner:
  • Child Survival and Health: $-12,200
  • Department of Defense Security Assistance: $39,854
  • Development Assistance: $17,948,047
  • Economic Support Fund/Security Support Assistance: $40,810,450
  • Global Health and Child Survival: $3,894,197
  • Narcotics Control: $27,565,779
  • Nonproliferation, Anti-Terrorism, Demining and Related: $7,074,531
  • Other Active Grant Programs: $15,381,152
  • Other State Assistance: $2,700,596
  • Other USAID Assistance: $2,764
  • Other USDA Assistance: $372,914
  • Peace Corps: $2,000,836

  • Military Assistance, Total: $91,654,000

So, you have the pen. Cross off any line items you want to. Then tell my how the savings add up to the 30 billion or so that this wall will cost us. Factor in the cost to protect, maintain and patrol this 1300 mile long wall, I'll let you do the ciphering to figure that one out. Oh, and make sure its patrolled at a level that gives us 99% certainty that nobody gets through.
I love people, Jews I love as much as any other. I would wish only peace and prosperity for Israel and all her citizens, I just can't, as a rational adult, justify a war in Libya as a matter of American national security. Not just Israel, I'm far more upset about our military sponsorship of Europe. Why do I have to pay for France's Navy? Why are we spending billions being Europe's military while they call us fat lazy cowboys, all whilst swilling wine at 9am to prepare themselves for a 4-hour work day? They want security, pay for it your fucking self. I don't remember voting for that.
Why do you need to ramble on about Israel when it comes to the subject of fighting ISIS? Agreed, we should keep our troops out of Libya and Syria/Northern Iraq. The rest of your stuff is just ignorant.
How so? Why do you think we were in Iraq? National Security? Give me a break, don't insult your own intelligence like that. Israel is very much part of the problem of ISIS in Syria, as the only country opening bombing the Assad Regime as a directive. Also sponsoring terrorist rebels. You can say the plan is effective until you're blue in the face, we are embarrassing ourselves, that is the international consensus.

Try again cucks.
Dude, Mexico will pay. Do you know how a tariff works? They weren't being asked.
So, Iraq was supposed to pay for our war with them. How did that work out? Tell me, how exactly are we going to extract 30 Billion USD out of Mexico? Tariffs? Are you really that dumb?

That wall is the most idiotic and least effective solution to the problem of illegal immigration. And numbskulls like you actually buy into the idea.
It goes beyond "bad intelligence" at this point. We are holding ISIS's hand while they sneak oil into Turkey. I'll pull the published Russian satellite photos if you'd like further illustration. The US loves terrorists, Bay of Pigs anyone? Well, if the wall is such a bad idea, why is it winning the election? Just answer me that, if you have a better idea, what would it be? Create infinite government-charity jobs for anyone that decides to pour into the country?

You can't just condemn the idea without offering a solution. The Iraq war wasn't a mistake, it was high-treason. A war based on a deliberate fabrication of "WMDs and ties to Al Qaeda". Remember the first Iraq war? Those famous "Incubator Babies".

A wall isn't a government agency, therefor it is better at preventing immigration than the alternative. Ipso facto.
How so? Why do you think we were in Iraq? National Security? Give me a break, don't insult your own intelligence like that. Israel is very much part of the problem of ISIS in Syria, as the only country opening bombing the Assad Regime as a directive. Also sponsoring terrorist rebels. You can say the plan is effective until you're blue in the face, we are embarrassing ourselves, that is the international consensus.

Try again cucks.
I have no idea why Bush Jr went into Iraq. It wasn't because of WMD. It also wasn't some jewish world domination scheme either. You are bent by your bigoted beliefs if you think Israel was the reason we went there. Maybe he went in to vindicate daddy.

I have trouble speaking wingnut conspiracy code-talk. Are you saying that Israel is sponsoring ISIS as well as the rebels fighting Assad?

The only role the US should play in that hornet's nest is containment and cutting off funds by exerting pressure on banks and other tools used to finance that war by ISIS. And oh yes that is working. ISIS is contained and funds are drying up.

Black lives matter is about as organic as Teflon. You co-opted wannabe intellectuals bought into George Soro's scheme. Remember that $33 Mil he paid the like of Deray and others to stir shit up? How does it feel, knowing your identity politics facade is cracking in front of you? You are the reason why Trump is winning, you and your faux-left ilk.

Keep moving the goal-post, try to redefine "liberalism" all you want, no one's buying it in 2016. Trump's winning, and you can't stop it.

Being a good American doesn't mean dying for Israel. Sorry, if you believe so, you are being cuckolded. Why else would we be in Iraq the first time? Why else do we support Israel breaking UN human-rights law? Why do we support Saudi Arabia doing the same thing?

Why are we just now lifting the Cuban embargo when we've been trading with openly communist China for decades? Why do you keep buying the lines they feed you. The government are the terrorists, here's something you've never seen:

You are trusting known liars. Israeli interests are clear: expansion into the West Bank. What have they done? Expanded into the West Bank. You are calling me crazy for stating objective information.
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