
I have 12 incredible bulk seedlings with the first sets of true leaves. They are all in 30 litre rhizo pots in coco natural. They have been there for nearly 3 weeks and they look sick they have been very pale since sprouting. I have only been giving them phd water for 10 days and they don't seem to be getting better. They all have dead parts on the leaves. I gave them quarter strength root exellerator 10 days ago and that's the only thing I can think of. Temps are perfect airflow is bang on have them under a 400w hps atm. Any advice would be appreciated



Well-Known Member
Coco is an inert medium,its up to you to feed them.Once a set of true leaves grow ~2weeks,the food stored in the embryo is pretty much done.You can probably still save the starved plant with a quarter strength regimine of a balanced npk grow food.


So would u say they need nutes then? It's my second coco grow and the first one went well. I thought they had nute burn from the roots excellerator that's why I've only been feeding ph'd water. Last coco grow I used canna coco a and b roots exellerator and Buddhas tree boost I got over 4 oz per plant and they were autos. That's why I planted these seedlings in big pots as the autos done so well straight in the big pots. Like I said any advice would be appreciated

NHS Garden Gurus

Active Member
Foliar feeding sounds like a great course of action, followed by fertilizing the coco. Hopefully the nutrients will keep this problem from happening again.


You may have to get a cal/mag supplement once they start taking off or they might start showing deficiencies again.
If you dont have enough minerals in your water and nutrients a cal/mag supplement is beneficial and almost necessary in coco I believe.


Got the cal mag. Thanks again for all advice man. I've been giving them 1 litre of 3/4 strength a day since problems after I filled them up with ph'd water. So the pots are completely full and each time I feed I get run off. Should I do this every day or should I leave them for a day between watering/feeding? Next run will be in small pots I think!!!


Well-Known Member
Water to runoff but then allow the soil to dry out. Just take a deep breath and let nature run its course. I would pick the pot up feel the weight of it freshly watered then pick it up every day as the water wicks off it will get lighter and lighter. Lay off the water though for a few days man. Corrections don't happen over night just be patient bro.


Its a hotly debated topic....big planters right away or transplant a couple times and go through a little shock period. You can make either method work by adjusting how you water them.
I agree with Cezarkush.....dont keep the coco completely saturated.


So fed them again today and they are definitely looking better than they were. But still have some sort of burn or deficiency what do you guys think??



Well-Known Member
Let em dry a little more and then try a a good balance fert with a good amount of N go light with it though. Good luck man


How are they coming, you want green healthy plants all the way to harvest.
Hi bro they are looking nice and dark now!!! I have been growing in nft for a few years now with good results and always healthy but as I said this is my second coco and I'm learning everyday!! They did have a little bit of burnt tips 2 days ago so I've fed 3/4 strength mutes today and hopefully find the sweet spot!!! Thanks guys

