Ozone in the grow room?


Well-Known Member
I was wondering of anybody uses a little ozone in the grow room itself, I've read it can help with not only odor but also keep bud rot and stuff like that at bay. Anyways, I already have a generator that I used to get rid of the pet smell of my home when I got it but It's a pretty large producer. 7000/mg h/r. I was thinking of buying a recycle timer and have it run one (1) minute an hour in the room. What do you think? The room is a 12x12. I have an huge 8inch phresh filter setup and and a good 650 cfm fan ..it knocked the funk down tremendously but I can still smell a little in the house from time to time and this is because I don't have a negative pressure room setup yet so the filter is polishing the air. I was hoping a dash of ozone every hour would help this. I have a pet and I do not want to jeopardize it's health, it stays in the living room which is on the other side of the house. Would one minute ever hour from a 7000mg generator work? Here is the generator I have. I'm trying the ona in a bucket with a fan but it seems to last for a few hours then stop until i put more in..and yes i'm using the water crystals. I just don't want my or my dogs lungs to fall out so I figured I'd ask the guys who do this for a living.

7000/60 = 117mg per minute.


This is the timer I want to get.

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From what I heard ozone generators are bad for plants and humans only good for venting outdoors but I haven't looked into them things for a long time.
if you get rust colred speckles on leaves, means ozone too high. if your nostrils or eyelids burn... too high.

find the happy medium. ozone works great for me
I was wondering of anybody uses a little ozone in the grow room itself, I've read it can help with not only odor but also keep bud rot and stuff like that at bay. Anyways, I already have a generator that I used to get rid of the pet smell of my home when I got it but It's a pretty large producer. 7000/mg h/r. I was thinking of buying a recycle timer and have it run one (1) minute an hour in the room. What do you think? The room is a 12x12. I have an huge 8inch phresh filter setup and and a good 650 cfm fan ..it knocked the funk down tremendously but I can still smell a little in the house from time to time and this is because I don't have a negative pressure room setup yet so the filter is polishing the air. I was hoping a dash of ozone every hour would help this. I have a pet and I do not want to jeopardize it's health, it stays in the living room which is on the other side of the house. Would one minute ever hour from a 7000mg generator work? Here is the generator I have. I'm trying the ona in a bucket with a fan but it seems to last for a few hours then stop until i put more in..and yes i'm using the water crystals. I just don't want my or my dogs lungs to fall out so I figured I'd ask the guys who do this for a living.

7000/60 = 117mg per minute.


This is the timer I want to get.


ok holy shit man
7000 mbh that is almost double commercial grade specs
that much OZONE IS HARMFUL it will fuck up lungs badly .....those lvls are meant for moldy warehouses/ fire damage/someone set off a 50k sf smoke bomb in a house (sulfur base)

next part Ozone is a 100% top smell killer but it also kills Co2 lvls ........so this in a open grow zone lights on is not even a choice at those lvls

ok now that u know that u have a choice of jerry rigging it into the exhaust ducting .....this is 100% ok and effective just would place it high up so smell is gone faster as your exhaust will smell like hospital air ...that is a flag too.......they sell this already made but it only comes in 8 10 12 inch ducting pieces

as for using it in outer area .......the lvls are HIGH u would need warehouse to justify those lvls .....i seen a 4000 mbh run for 30 mins and clean out a 40x26x7 basement (u know that basement smell we scrubbed the walls/floor and sealed them ) had to run one of those to clean out the air

for outer room here this works and safe lvls .......with built in timer

i have one i jarred up a 1/2 lb of some decent stuff buddy called about 10 mins after i finished putting the gear away tells me he is on the way over........he is one of those knows u got something wants u to bake him out for free and never repays in any way .....kicked that thing on lvl 5 for 15 mins cleared out whole area could not tell anything guy never knew 8 oz of jarred shit was less then 3 feet from him

ok now the final part .......i hate to tell u this but someone should no matter what the heck u do at some point and time everything u own will set a drug dog off ........it is from working with the plant the oils get on your hand or shirt or pants and is transferred when u leave touching something else ......no way around it .......it just fact of growing the more u do the longer u do it .......i set off dogs like i am carrying LBS of the stuff (if i get pulled over and they bring a dog around he always hits not matter if carrying or not they spend 45 mins taring the car apart looking for a stash ......then one of the officers comment how the dog is reacting he has never seen that and they not find something what do u do bath in the stuff )

so at airports add 60 mins to get pass anything official ....in case u are flagged for a "random check"
I was wondering of anybody uses a little ozone in the grow room itself

ok now the final part .......i hate to tell u this but someone should no matter what the heck u do at some point and time everything u own will set a drug dog off ........it is from working with the plant the oils get on your hand or shirt or pants and is transferred when u leave touching something else ......no way around it .......it just fact of growing the more u do the longer u do it .......i set off dogs like i am carrying LBS of the stuff (if i get pulled over and they bring a dog around he always hits not matter if carrying or not they spend 45 mins taring the car apart looking for a stash ......then one of the officers comment how the dog is reacting he has never seen that and they not find something what do u do bath in the stuff )
How often does this happen to you?
How often does this happen to you?

to me
any time they pull me over .......in the cops computers it tells them search me as all my arrest have something to do with with weed ..(was a witness to a major wreck when he ran my name in the system i sawl his screen )
how often does it happen depends on u ....the more u drive the more likely hood they pull u over i drive limited amount maybe 4000 miles a year and i prefer to drive about 2 3 am when the roads are empty and cops are doing house calls since bars let out no more drunks for them to tag on highway
ok holy shit man
7000 mbh that is almost double commercial grade specs
that much OZONE IS HARMFUL it will fuck up lungs badly .....those lvls are meant for moldy warehouses/ fire damage/someone set off a 50k sf smoke bomb in a house (sulfur base)

next part Ozone is a 100% top smell killer but it also kills Co2 lvls ........so this in a open grow zone lights on is not even a choice at those lvls

ok now that u know that u have a choice of jerry rigging it into the exhaust ducting .....this is 100% ok and effective just would place it high up so smell is gone faster as your exhaust will smell like hospital air ...that is a flag too.......they sell this already made but it only comes in 8 10 12 inch ducting pieces

as for using it in outer area .......the lvls are HIGH u would need warehouse to justify those lvls .....i seen a 4000 mbh run for 30 mins and clean out a 40x26x7 basement (u know that basement smell we scrubbed the walls/floor and sealed them ) had to run one of those to clean out the air

for outer room here this works and safe lvls .......with built in timer

i have one i jarred up a 1/2 lb of some decent stuff buddy called about 10 mins after i finished putting the gear away tells me he is on the way over........he is one of those knows u got something wants u to bake him out for free and never repays in any way .....kicked that thing on lvl 5 for 15 mins cleared out whole area could not tell anything guy never knew 8 oz of jarred shit was less then 3 feet from him

ok now the final part .......i hate to tell u this but someone should no matter what the heck u do at some point and time everything u own will set a drug dog off ........it is from working with the plant the oils get on your hand or shirt or pants and is transferred when u leave touching something else ......no way around it .......it just fact of growing the more u do the longer u do it .......i set off dogs like i am carrying LBS of the stuff (if i get pulled over and they bring a dog around he always hits not matter if carrying or not they spend 45 mins taring the car apart looking for a stash ......then one of the officers comment how the dog is reacting he has never seen that and they not find something what do u do bath in the stuff )

so at airports add 60 mins to get pass anything official ....in case u are flagged for a "random check"

You do realize I said I was going to run it for one minute every half hour. I got a recycle timer and so far two minutes every 20 minutes seem to be doing fine. If I'm in the grow room I can smell the ozone but not in the rest of the house. Also the grow room has the door open with a fan blowing all the hot air out into the house so the ozone is all pushed out withing a couple of minutes. The real reason I'm having these issues is I don't have a negative pressure environment. I can't close the door to the room because it gets too hot and a window ac would be difficult due to the window layout. I'm looking at a portable or split.
You do realize I said I was going to run it for one minute every half hour. I got a recycle timer and so far two minutes every 20 minutes seem to be doing fine. If I'm in the grow room I can smell the ozone but not in the rest of the house. Also the grow room has the door open with a fan blowing all the hot air out into the house so the ozone is all pushed out withing a couple of minutes. The real reason I'm having these issues is I don't have a negative pressure environment. I can't close the door to the room because it gets too hot and a window ac would be difficult due to the window layout. I'm looking at a portable or split.

ozone is bad for plants

if smell controll is all u are after air polishing ........basically hang a carbon filter in the air (instead of ducting dumping it out it recylces back into the room) minius the smell ....your Co2 is safe
I have an 8 inch Big Blue hooked up to my exhaust system. I think it's best to not have ozone directly in the room, but have it exhausted outside mixed with the stinky air to neutralize it.
ozone is bad for plants

if smell controll is all u are after air polishing ........basically hang a carbon filter in the air (instead of ducting dumping it out it recylces back into the room) minius the smell ....your Co2 is safe
That's what I'm doing now...I have a real stinker in the mix somewhere. And, it's hard to polish when you have to leave the door open!
I have an 8 inch Big Blue hooked up to my exhaust system. I think it's best to not have ozone directly in the room, but have it exhausted outside mixed with the stinky air to neutralize it.
Yes sir, once I'm done with the run I'll clean and put everything up and have somebody come out and put in a exhaust port or tie into the bathroom exhaust. I'm putting in a server rack so I'll need a AC and exhaust anyways. But, for the time being it's harder to control with the door open due to excess heat buildup.
Yes sir, once I'm done with the run I'll clean and put everything up and have somebody come out and put in a exhaust port or tie into the bathroom exhaust. I'm putting in a server rack so I'll need a AC and exhaust anyways. But, for the time being it's harder to control with the door open due to excess heat buildup.

I hooked my exhaust from the grow room into an existing exhaust off my cook-top in the kitchen. But either way, if you grow something really stinky, like Holy Grail Kush or any of hundred other things, nothing will totally remove the odor. Come harvest time, my wife often complains she can smell it at the bottom of my long driveway. Fortunately, I'm fairly isolated on a cul-de-sec in a rural area.

There are plenty of strains that are lower odor that can be grown...........many sativas, northern lights, lemony and fruity strains, etc. are generally lower stinkers.
I've seemed to dial in the settings with my recycle timer to 3 minutes on and 20 minutes off. I can't smell ozone in the living room at all and only slightly in the grow room once the generator goes off. After two minutes I can't smell any ozone at all in the grow room. The air quality in the rest of the house improved substantially.
I hooked my exhaust from the grow room into an existing exhaust off my cook-top in the kitchen. But either way, if you grow something really stinky, like Holy Grail Kush or any of hundred other things, nothing will totally remove the odor. Come harvest time, my wife often complains she can smell it at the bottom of my long driveway. Fortunately, I'm fairly isolated on a cul-de-sec in a rural area.

There are plenty of strains that are lower odor that can be grown...........many sativas, northern lights, lemony and fruity strains, etc. are generally lower stinkers.
When they built my house for some reason they decided to not put a range vent in...stupid but whatever. This is a good point, my kitchen is just on the other side of the wall. I'm wanting to have a vent put in for a range as I really want to switch over to a gas range so perhaps I'll tee of that. I wonder how much it would cost to have somebody put in a vent for my range. I'm also wanted to have them put in a few of those solar lights so maybe I can get a good deal letting them do all of it.
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I was lucky as my basement was unfinished so when I finished my basement (I did it all myself), I just hooked into the exhaust that was already there. Then dry-walled the ceiling over it covering everything. I know some people who have hooked into a fireplace by knocking out a few bricks and plugging right into it. Hot exhaust air will always go upwards. Another friend tied into a duct that ran thru a pipe out the roof. You have to be creative sometimes and think out all your options.