Well-Known Member
Not true! I've liked a lot of your posts! I don't look down on you in any way, bro. I like that you think outside the box, even if some of what you come up with doesn't make a lot of sense, you're still trying shit. I respect that.
wow i thought u hated me ...respect
i hope he got tackled and commited for a few months the guy was getting a jesus complex on a lvl i only seen in a mental ward ....by now the guy would be in late 70s they could do a god/jesus act for the church on sundayI miss George
not saying anything bad about him just at some point they would meet a person that earned the wrath of god (thinking he is jesus he would feel need to in act fathers will) he get caught and raped on a daily base when gets to prison
i was in jail with jesus h christ(reall i sawl his papers we all did) ......he was in there for slapping his kid butt 3 times in walmart (pants on kid being a brat 3 wacks on butt to stop ) one of those mothers that parent everyone called the cops got him locked up was doing 18 months but this was hanging judge on election year the jail was filled with everything for all kinds of dumb reasons i meet a guy that got 2 18months back to back for shooting 2 geese out of season on his land