EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

Haha I forgot you got kin there.. Hillary on CNN n strategically places couple black men and Muslim women right behind her.. Do people really fall for this bullshit?

I saw that too. One white dude lower left and let's be honest here, he was very "feminine" for lack of a better term. The sheep will fall for anything and the old hag is pulling out blatant political pandering.
I saw that too. One white dude lower left and let's be honest here, he was very "feminine" for lack of a better term. The sheep will fall for anything and the old hag is pulling out blatant political pandering.
Black woman, green shirt over Clintons right shoulder.

I called my wife to see her. She was hilarious looking the way she was cheering and waving the flag around.
I'm actively rooting for chaos now, I guess this is payback from the civil war.

Last night was evidence of a stark sea change in how people, at least here, are treating their electoral responsibilities. Caucuses are normal sleepy lil meetings where maybe a few dozen people show up.

Last night's turnout in my precinct rivaled that for a presidential election day!

So change is coming. Someone needs to lead it. I'm guessing Bernie isn't going to quit just because he doesn't get nominated.
It was that " Socialist" label..the dummies in the south are extremely gullible. I was looking @ the delegate count..Sanders is in better shape than I thought.. Its clear the south is lost but if he cleans up in the north and Midwest..this ain't over.
It was that " Socialist" label..the dummies in the south are extremely gullible. I was looking @ the delegate count..Sanders is in better shape than I thought.. Its clear the south is lost but if he cleans up in the north and Midwest..this ain't over.

That super delegate count looks pretty insurmountable. More evidence of electoral gerrymandering.
It was that " Socialist" label..the dummies in the south are extremely gullible. I was looking @ the delegate count..Sanders is in better shape than I thought.. Its clear the south is lost but if he cleans up in the north and Midwest..this ain't over.
Sanders says he supports free college education even for private schools
And having a 16 year old daughter who will be going to college in 2 years. I also know free college = higher standards.
There are only so many spots. And she isn't going to make the cut if it's free
Sanders says he supports free college education even for private schools
And having a 16 year old daughter who will be going to college in 2 years. I also know free college = higher standards.
There are only so many spots. And she isn't going to make the cut if it's free

Lol so you think your daughter is stupid? Nice message to put out there, pops!
I never agreed with free state schools, but community college should be free.. I also never agreed with paid leave for parents from work..if you want or need time off..great, take it but paid? Gtfo here.
Sanders says he supports free college education even for private schools
And having a 16 year old daughter who will be going to college in 2 years. I also know free college = higher standards.
There are only so many spots. And she isn't going to make the cut if it's free
That's not how it works, they're not going to ration spots for school or health care
Sanders says he supports free college education even for private schools
And having a 16 year old daughter who will be going to college in 2 years. I also know free college = higher standards.
There are only so many spots. And she isn't going to make the cut if it's free

Well maybe college isn't for her then. She could always learn a trade instead.

But if what you say is true, everyone should support free college, seing as we wont have to pay for any sub par students to be there...

Of the 96 attendees from my precinct (a full 45% of all registered Democrats in it!), 16 voted for Mrs Clinton, and the remaining 80 voted for Mr Sanders.

The vast majority of the entire hall was there for Bernie.

There was an astonishing crush of people for a caucus event. It was completely overwhelming for the organizers.

History was made tonight. These people are going to be politically active from now on, and unless the Powers That Be can completely short circuit democracy, their days of running the show are numbered.


and shout out goes to Colorado, Minnesota, Oklahoma and Vermont!!!

Especially, Tty, for getting involved..

job well done!!!