OK so, I have done about five little grows with two of them being successful(very very small amount of bud, but at least I have some). The other three times, the plant grows decently until a certain point and then it stops growing, starts getting brown spots on the leaves, starts drooping, bottom leaves dry up. I've heard many different things like nitrogen deficiency or wrong temperatures, but I've change the temperatures and used a different fertilizer nothing seems to work. As soon as my plants get to a certain point, they just go to shit. Very very stressful, just really want it to work
. I am growing in a homemade box, about 3.5' x 2.5' x 2.5'. I have intake fans and A little bit bigger outtake fan(exhaust). I have four 42W CFL's up top, and a couple fluorescent tubes going up the sides(just little ones but I usually don't have them on as it makes it a little too hot). I've tried a couple different fertilizers (Gaia Green Power Bloom, GreenHouse Seed Co Powder Feeding) currently using the powder feed, i've tried many different tactics but nothing seems to work, please help! I have a steady temperature of about 78°, give or take a couple degrees.