EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

Well maybe college isn't for her then. She could always learn a trade instead.

But if what you say is true, everyone should support free college, seing as we wont have to pay for any sub par students to be there...
No we will be paying for sub par colleges. And religious ones as well. You want tax dollars to go to Bob Jones university?
How about a madrassa?
Stupid? Hardly. But she doesn't use her intelligence for anything better than a 3.2 gpa.
That's not going to cut it. Need an example of limited seats?

We don't have that overpopulation YET..its coming though unfortunately. 3.2 is solid work, she be fine.. If I was a woman I'd jump into-

Nursing- its hard work but pays great and tons of job security.

Teaching- pay is dependent on district but can be very good n summer off.

Daycare- sure kids are a pain in the ass but parents pay a fortune to good daycare, ya hire a few girls cheaply who enjoy it and put webcams up everywhere for the parents to check on..its a gold mine.
You'd be very surprised how much revenue the football a basketball programs bring in.. They fund the science dept and other unprofitable sports( womens)

I agree that education itself could be done for 1\3 of what most university charge.. I been saying for 10 years its going to be the next bubble to bust.

It can be done for next to nothing; a university need be no more than money for professor's salaries and space rental. NONE of those ivy covered buildings ate necessary! NONE of those overpaid, self important bureaucrats known as administrative or executive staff are necessary!

There's a free online website that been disseminating the same information and wisdom, it's been there for a decade or better and it's free.

Education IS expensive. It costs time, effort and attention. Think it's not worth it? Try adding up the costs of ignorance!
So after last night I guess this thread is officially done.

Bernies just getting started:

Tonight could have been the knock out punch if Clinton had won CO & MN. But she didn't! She lost them big. Now, he has a $40 million war chest and favorable map in front of him. Feel the Bern!

Time is on Bernie's side. The more he runs, the more people find out about him. Everyone already knows Clinton. She's gaining no new voters. Every day he gains ground. So, now he lives to fight many other days. She is in a race against time and she didn't close the door tonight. Tick, tock. Tick, tock!
Bernies just getting started:

Tonight could have been the knock out punch if Clinton had won CO & MN. But she didn't! She lost them big. Now, he has a $40 million war chest and favorable map in front of him. Feel the Bern!

Time is on Bernie's side. The more he runs, the more people find out about him. Everyone already knows Clinton. She's gaining no new voters. Every day he gains ground. So, now he lives to fight many other days. She is in a race against time and she didn't close the door tonight. Tick, tock. Tick, tock!

Most of the delegates were in those states Hillary won. He's gonna have to win almost all the rest of the states. That's a slim chance.
Most of the delegates were in those states Hillary won. He's gonna have to win almost all the rest of the states. That's a slim chance.[/QUOTE

you're wrong and here's why:

March 8th is huge because whoever wins Michigan has momentum going into March 15th -- the real Super Tuesday (FL, OH, IL, NC and MO). That's Colossal Tuesday. And maybe the Ides of March for Hillary Clinton.

you're wrong and here's why:

March 8th is huge because whoever wins Michigan has momentum going into March 15th -- the real Super Tuesday (FL, OH, IL, NC and MO). That's Colossal Tuesday. And maybe the Ides of March for Hillary:blsmoke:
you're wrong and here's why:

March 8th is huge because whoever wins Michigan has momentum going into March 15th -- the real Super Tuesday (FL, OH, IL, NC and MO). That's Colossal Tuesday. And maybe the Ides of March for Hillary:blsmoke:

Even your burn buddy knows its over.

Looks like I called Oklahoma and Massachusettes too early for Sanders

It's over, it's Clinton vs. Trump in the general in November