How much can u get out of Two 10x10 bedrooms


New Member
Ok people super noob here i just want some simple info How much can u get out of Two 10x10 bedrooms say its a medium yielding plant cause i cant find a high yielding +strong strain P.S i know light and everything play a part but say i have 3000w a good set up


Well-Known Member
3000 watt , medium yield strain , 3 pound at a guess , just fill one room , good ventilation


Well-Known Member
Your planning a grow.that big to start? Thats like learning to drive a car in an 18 speed tractor trailer loaded with nitroglycerin and blasting caps.
It wont end well. For your first attempt, grow one or 2 plants. Youll find like I and many other do that sometimes we forget about something or something doesnt work as you expected.
There is a huge learning curve and learing how to read the plants.


Well-Known Member
Through no fault of your own (well almost) you have asked a completely newbie question. BBC gave the best answer to the question.

Now I will offer a solution...Read, read, read, read, and then read some more. I researched for several months before popping my first bean. So much too learn...proper equipment, set up, medium, additives, strains, watering, ph, temps, and that is just a few things to consider. As my signature states anyone can grow weed but,...


Well-Known Member
OOOPS forgot to mention...check the laws in your area. In most cases, badge wearing Nazi's are not concerned with a couple of plants but, you are talking large scale growing probably for commercial also consider heat signature of 3000w and FLIR technology.
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Well-Known Member
When ambition outweighs knowledge you often get more problems than product. You can have the best equipment, but without the knowledge to use it you can basically anticipate failure. I'm not trying to knock what you got going on by any means so please dont take it as such, but I would definitely do a lot more learning before getting anything going on that scale of a grow. Its easy to get overwhelmed in your situation and often we see the same guys doing what you are doing coming back 2 months later with a thread like "help me I spent a bunch of money I didnt have to spend and now my shits dying blah blah blah HELP ME!!!". Dont be that guy. Now is the time to listen to the folks in here BEFORE you drop a bunch of cash on a grow you cant run. Just some very honest of charge :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
When ambition outweighs knowledge you often get more problems than product. You can have the best equipment, but without the knowledge to use it you can basically anticipate failure. I'm not trying to knock what you got going on by any means so please dont take it as such, but I would definitely do a lot more learning before getting anything going on that scale of a grow. Its easy to get overwhelmed in your situation and often we see the same guys doing what you are doing coming back 2 months later with a thread like "help me I spent a bunch of money I didnt have to spend and now my shits dying blah blah blah HELP ME!!!". Dont be that guy. Now is the time to listen to the folks in here BEFORE you drop a bunch of cash on a grow you cant run. Just some very honest of charge :mrgreen:

And don't forget to mention how money draining this hobby can be. I have a small 2 plant tent grow that cost me about $500 to get up and going. So to the OP, I hope you have VERY DEEP pockets!


Global Moderator
Staff member
Ok people super noob here i just want some simple info How much can u get out of Two 10x10 bedrooms say its a medium yielding plant cause i cant find a high yielding +strong strain P.S i know light and everything play a part but say i have 3000w a good set up
Welcome to RIU. :cool:

And you would do well to listen - we all learned the hard way on this.
You don't have to if you're paying attention.

Again, welcome.


Well-Known Member
I have to disagree... I think you can go this big on ur first grow , bare in mind I would stick to soil or coco first time round , its not rocket science after all... If you have ur equiptment , filters lights extractors , nutes , know the correct lighting schedule required , and are aware of the possibility of mould and pests and how to remedy it , ya should be all good , not saying you will grow the most amazing bud on ur first grow , but it is possible . Go hard !


Well-Known Member
Two bulls sitting on top of a hill, young bull says to old bull "hey, you wanna run down this hill and fuck one of those cows?" Old bull shrugs and says to young bull" Nah, let's just walk down and we can fuck them all."

What I'm saying is if you learn to walk before you run you will have a better time in the long run:peace:

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
And don't forget to mention how money draining this hobby can be. I have a small 2 plant tent grow that cost me about $500 to get up and going. So to the OP, I hope you have VERY DEEP pockets!
Yea he does. Super deep. Said in the other thread i think. Dude should do great!!!!


Well-Known Member
Ok people super noob here i just want some simple info How much can u get out of Two 10x10 bedrooms say its a medium yielding plant cause i cant find a high yielding +strong strain P.S i know light and everything play a part but say i have 3000w a good set up
its good that you have selected a vast growing area, at least for a noob,

as know matter what you did/do you will get some weed

just by the numbers alone

the shotgun method for noobs ....nice!


Well-Known Member
Yes, that is a good analogy. But can the old bull still get it up lol.... I do agree that starting small is wise , I did a large room 2400 watts my first grow , 17 years ago , was a heap of fun , loved it ... Didn't have an awesome site like this for back up back then either, it turned out nice ....


Well-Known Member
Yea he does. Super deep. Said in the other thread i think. Dude should do great!!!!
Just read his other threads, didn't see much about growing, but seems the distribution angle is covered, with what it sounds like you are planning you could use that kind of floor space to pump out some serious tonnage, the idea of the apartment however is a bit sketchy, hard to stay under the radar with that kind of operation going, but if there aren't any restrictions on plant numbers where you are, and money isn't an issue, you could bring in some pros to help get you setup and dialed in with a cloning area, flower area, mothers den, breeding area and of course a full on veg section, so I'm going to up my first estimate to about 8lbs per month on a regular schedule depending on how hard you are willing to work it


Well-Known Member
WP_20160303_13_39_52_Pro.jpg this is my 1.2m x 1.2m x 2 mt big enough for me nowadays, 10 mins work a day apart from Sunday when I put in overtime and do 30 mins .... 16 - 20 oz every 5 weeks, have a separate vege and separate clone room tho.