How Far am I from Flowering?


Bam bhole!

Hey guys, please help me with your experiences;
My friend has been growing this Sativa landrace from seedling since October last year.
It's shown its sex last month, so it should be near the end of the veg cycle? (because it grew from seed, not from clone?)
Anyway, can anyone tell me how long she is from flowering based on these pictures my friend took?


Thank you and blessings,
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Hey Slyone! Thanks for replying. The plant is outdoors, so can't do anything about it :(
Will this plant finish before the solstice?
Hey Jimmy,
Based on your experience, how long do landrace sativas take to flower outdoors?
Hey Jimmy,
Based on your experience, how long do landrace sativas take to flower outdoors?
Dude..... I've been trying to wrap my head around it for a while... I know Sativa's take quite a while to finish. They love lots of heat and long days. Like from seed to finish maybe 100-120 days give or take? It's a guess and I'm having some white fire sooo
It's been like, 6 months already, and my friend's plant has only started flowering man :/
I hope it finishes before summer, or I'll have to premature harvest, which will suck
I think India is quite the right place to be growing a pure land race sativa. Very cool, so friend is this plant in a pot or in the ground? Trying to grow Sativa's indoors (,for me) is a horror show lol! Outside would be awesome.
It's in a pot, 2 gallons to inhibit growth, the plant smells earthy and slightly citrusy at this stage, so fingers crossed that it flowers soon :)
Blessings to your White Fire man! Are you using hydro for the grow?
It's in a pot, 2 gallons to inhibit growth, the plant smells earthy and slightly citrusy at this stage, so fingers crossed that it flowers soon :)
Blessings to your White Fire man! Are you using hydro for the grow?
I grow in soil indoors for me. I like the rich taste that comes from soil. Of course man, that's just my own personal opinion lol. Oh and hey... She is in flower and for a while too by the looks of it. Sorry dude , white fire.
I second you on that man. Growing it as nature intended it in the first place. Over here I have access to high quality alluvial soil from the Himalayan streams, stuff is so rich that my friend is growing his ladies without any nutes whatsoever! (my seeds sprouted without germinating it in a towel or anything, just pushed it in the dirt man!)
I second you on that man. Growing it as nature intended it in the first place. Over here I have access to high quality alluvial soil from the Himalayan streams, stuff is so rich that my friend is growing his ladies without any nutes whatsoever! (my seeds sprouted without germinating it in a towel or anything, just pushed it in the dirt man!)
Oh that's bad ass right there... Hey,here is your flower. She is flowering, you will get her to finish I have faith in knowledge. You will figure it outIMG_20160303_020303.jpg