Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
Yeah man .. I know ethnic minorities have it hard enough in canada but holly shit ,, usa is like still in the 1800's in some states,, makes me sick,, it was only the land of the free before any boats made it there, and what did we do to those "free people'. Killed most of them and put the rest in reserves, land of the free like fuk


Well-Known Member
Oh you mean your boys wet dream that no country of this size has ever tried. Well I vote to take your house and car for that guy over there who doesn't have one. The business you run should shut down as well because you produce something I disagree with.
Good lord, what an ignorant, uneducated response to what democratic socialism is. I'm surprised you even know that it's a term, but I doubt you can even coherently describe what socialism simply is beyond "Hurr, I take yours, it's mine now, socialism derp derp."


Well-Known Member
I was baked watching trump speak in maine today ( on tv ) and to tell you the truth, i was semi fuckin scared,, holly jesus what a circus,, i thought canada had the antichrist for prime-minister 5months ago but jesus christ, this guy isnt fit to be representing a population,, it doesnt take a nuclear physicist to figure that one out
Welcome to the rise of neo-fascism, Drumpf being its poster child. He said nothing of substance during the debate, and the GOP is running their primary season like a reality TV show.


Well-Known Member
Trump got his ass handed to him in this debate by Cruz and Rubio

I guarantee @Not GOP will be here in the morning to tell me how wrong I am, and how low energy the debate was, and that Cruz and Rubio don't stand a chance, that they were just on the attack since they're both behind in delegates, etc.

OK, so show me the objective results that show Trump's win.. that he appealed to more viewers than not, where's that metric? Those that support him over those that oppose him? How about the Trump v. Clinton polls?


Well-Known Member
Trump got his ass handed to him in this debate by Cruz and Rubio

I guarantee @Not GOP will be here in the morning to tell me how wrong I am, and how low energy the debate was, and that Cruz and Rubio don't stand a chance, that they were just on the attack since they're both behind in delegates, etc.

OK, so show me the objective results that show Trump's win.. that he appealed to more viewers than not, where's that metric? Those that support him over those that oppose him? How about the Trump v. Clinton polls?
I didn't watch the debate last night, but I just watched some of the "highlights". Were they really discussing Trump's dick size in a national debate??? Holy fuck, I really thought that I'd seen everything. Wow.


Well-Known Member
I didn't watch the debate last night, but I just watched some of the "highlights". Were they really discussing Trump's dick size in a national debate??? Holy fuck, I really thought that I'd seen everything. Wow.
You saw Trumps pee-pee ? What where you doing ? How did you get, know ???


Well-Known Member
I see and hear mostly Bill, Greta, Megan, Chris Wallace. Bill and Dennis Miller are all over the country. Hannity is flaming GOP!

You're wrong as hell. Hannity has been highly critical of the Republican Party for a very long time. He has a nationally syndicated radio program for 3 hours, 5 days a week. Then in the evening, he has an hour long show on Fox News, 5 nights a week. You have no clue, just give it up
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