how much from a bag of o.f


Well-Known Member
So I finally got to place an order today and Im kinda worried I didn't order enough...I tried to but the ppl I order from said I had enough...I found a Web page sayin a 100 gal smart pot should hold like 13.4 cf ...and I found some pages saying 1 bag will fill 3 5 gal can find the conversation table but it only does liquid gallons....I have 8 cf bags of ff pm....8 cf bags of ff lw....7 1.5 bags of o.f....and 8 cf of ma ny gallons do you thi k it will fill....or how many gal would u say a bag would fill...I'm def thinking I was right and needed more soil
most of there stuff is organic, but there are some product in the fox farm line that isnt...
hopefully thats what he meant
Yeah I don't think it's the may be....I got back ahold of the people I order from and I was correct ...he miscounted the bags and only added up 200 gal...I doubled my order plus two extra bags of o.f....and I use to think the same thing as you when it came to ff bring organic....all the dry nutes are I believe but the only certified organic bottled nutes that ff sell are big bloom...kelp me kelp you...wholey mackerel. .that includes the bushdoctor line as well...the rest of the shit is like 80 % organic.'s really good stuff...just not for organic growing
Fox Farm isn't organic :(
What in Ocean Forest is not organic? I thought it was o:

Personally I use Roots Organic and don't really like FFOF, but i still thought it was "organic."

Never the less, it should function just fine as an "organic" soil

EDIT: Sorry i missed the dudes other post. Yeah most of their Happy Frog soil ammendments are organic, and i'm pretty sure they all are. But as far as their bottled nutrients and dry ferts (other than again, their soil ammendments), Big Bloom (the super low NPK main bottled nute) is organic.

BUUUUUT. I really like roots organic. If your doing a huge pot FFOF may be very appropriate though

I do like Big Bloom though and i've used a nice amount of it in my teas and organic garden. It has good microbes.

Fox farm nutes are pretty great, but when I worked at a hydro store I accidentally made a lot of customers sad because they assumed all of fox farm's bottled nutes were organic.
What in Ocean Forest is not organic? I thought it was o:

Personally I use Roots Organic and don't really like FFOF, but i still thought it was "organic."

Never the less, it should function just fine as an "organic" soil

EDIT: Sorry i missed the dudes other post. Yeah most of their Happy Frog soil ammendments are organic, and i'm pretty sure they all are. But as far as their bottled nutrients and dry ferts (other than again, their soil ammendments), Big Bloom (the super low NPK main bottled nute) is organic.

BUUUUUT. I really like roots organic. If your doing a huge pot FFOF may be very appropriate though

I do like Big Bloom though and i've used a nice amount of it in my teas and organic garden. It has good microbes.

Fox farm nutes are pretty great, but when I worked at a hydro store I accidentally made a lot of customers sad because they assumed all of fox farm's bottled nutes were organic.
Those liquid fertilizers are full of synthetics , why do you think they don't carry any organic certifications, trust me they can afford them, the reason they don't is because they use all kinds of synthetics in those bottles as preserves and to chelate the nutrients. Fox Farm is not an organic company in the least bit, they don't sell ANYTHING truly organic.
Those liquid fertilizers are full of synthetics , why do you think they don't carry any organic certifications, trust me they can afford them, the reason they don't is because they use all kinds of synthetics in those bottles as preserves and to chelate the nutrients. Fox Farm is not an organic company in the least bit, they don't sell ANYTHING truly organic.

Grow big and tiger are synthetic. big bloom is organic and yes it carries and certified organic label.

Secondly. OMRI listings cost money, quite a bit actually. Most companies don't bother getting OMRI listed because of it.

So I'd throw that "It's not certified" bullshit out the window if I were you.
Grow big and tiger are synthetic. big bloom is organic and yes it carries and certified organic label.

Secondly. OMRI listings cost money, quite a bit actually. Most companies don't bother getting OMRI listed because of it.

So I'd throw that "It's not certified" bullshit out the window if I were you.
If small local companies can afford certification large conglomerates can afford it for sure, if it's not certified something isn't organic in it PERIOD. You are buying from Monsanto....and thinking it's organic and they can't afford certification. AND FYI BIG BLOOM ISNT CERTIFIED.

They could afford it for sure but it's just not organic. Same thing with all their soils, FFOF used to be certified organic and they lost their certification.

Just read this post

It explains everything you need to know about fox farm and their synthetic soil. Don't believe the grow store people, they just their to sell you shit and blow smoke up your ass.
most of there stuff is organic, but there are some product in the fox farm line that isnt...
hopefully thats what he meant
I sure hope so because that's a dumbshit answer. The fact of the matter is, FFOF is 100% organic. The op didn't ask about anything synthetic or the like, to help enhance potency or hormonal control. Those are the bad products, not the dirt.
If small local companies can afford certification large conglomerates can afford it for sure, if it's not certified something isn't organic in it PERIOD. You are buying from Monsanto....and thinking it's organic and they can't afford certification. AND FYI BIG BLOOM ISNT CERTIFIED.

They could afford it for sure but it's just not organic. Same thing with all their soils, FFOF used to be certified organic and they lost their certification.

Just read this post

It explains everything you need to know about fox farm and their synthetic soil. Don't believe the grow store people, they just their to sell you shit and blow smoke up your ass.
Dude you r completely left field. You have no idea what your talking about. Just stop
I sure hope so because that's a dumbshit answer. The fact of the matter is, FFOF is 100% organic. The op didn't ask about anything synthetic or the like, to help enhance potency or hormonal control. Those are the bad products, not the dirt.
FFOF is smart natural soil, it is not organic, it is not 100% organic.