Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Never really looked into because i don't care but i was told a little dui will keep you out.
heard the same thing.. but i also heard it goes by a lot of different things

googled it..
A single DUI convictionis notgrounds to deny entry into the U.S. However, multiple DUI convictions or a DUI conviction in combination with other misdemeanor offenses can make a person inadmissible and require a waiver prior to entering the United States.
canada is pretty tough on US citizens with convictions im pretty sure.. but from what i heard is.. you can still get in once you get a few years under your belt without any trouble
i dont think hes going to canada, hes probably going ot meet up with the girl from i forget where but it isnt canada.
i dont think hes going to canada, hes probably going ot meet up with the girl from i forget where but it isnt canada.
ah his phone chick... if hes not on any kind of probation/parole or anything im sure he can get into an asian country.
ah his phone chick... if hes not on any kind of probation/parole or anything im sure he can get into an asian country.
Naw man they don't fuck around. Even though they speak perfect english and love America, it's one of the hardest countries for immigration
Naw man they don't fuck around. Even though they speak perfect english and love America, it's one of the hardest countries for immigration
just have her come out.. then if you realize you dont like her vagina it wasnt you who spent the money on travel
However Qatar is where she lives..
But as mentioned earlier I have date with an artsy chic from NoCo on monday..

I really like the Filipino chic,(she is truly an awesome girl!!!) but I think our cultures and religion will conflict.
just have her come out.. then if you realize you dont like her vagina it wasnt you who spent the money on travel
Ha.. yeah I know, but it's not that easy homie..

It says something when you can like a girl before test driving. But unfortunately the religious values are probably polar opposites