Plant fell out of pot

ok so basically worst thing happens happens I was picking up my plant to inspect the new growth and dropped it fell completely out of pot and on floor is it done for plant life or can it be saved



Well-Known Member
it should recover in time

add another bulb perhaps a 25w cool white cfl to encourage them leaves some

add some 20% perlite next pot up good luck


Well-Known Member
If I found that in your Trash ...

I'd clone it, take 3 good clone or maybe 6 average clones

24/7 for one month to 2-3 feet tall,

sit one in the window to piss you

the others out in the early spring

or hold them back until the weathers just great

sooo many choices /????


Well-Known Member
What you could do if you haven't watered yet is add a teaspoon of honey to ur water

its got the hormones required to ease stress and do some building

read up on hormones youtube is best, or the same amount to a spray bottle and drench her

allow some slight wind via a pc type fan and not hard direct light make it 'do-sum-ay' or easy

good luck
What you could do if you haven't watered yet is add a teaspoon of honey to ur water

its got the hormones required to ease stress and do some building

read up on hormones youtube is best, or the same amount to a spray bottle and drench her

allow some slight wind via a pc type fan and not hard direct light make it 'do-sum-ay' or easy

good luck
Are the leaves coming back I see there is new growth also I still havnt watered it since its been dropped the soil is still moist?


Well-Known Member
I used to germinate some seeds 3 weeks ago.

One of the seeds didnt germinate, I have put this seed on my coco bag, afer a while it fall into my coco and I couldnt find it any more.

4/5 days later I was filling some pots to transplant.

I found That the lost seed has germinated deep deep down in the coco.

I was taking a punch of coco with my hand when I foumd yellow dyen uncomplete seed in my hand!!!!

I have planted it as fast as possible

This is how I find it

DSC_0001_1.JPG DSC_0002.JPG

Here is she after one week


I called her survivor :)

Just give urs time for sure it will recover
