Immunity for State Department Worker in E-mail Case


Well-Known Member
It's not that I disregard trumps actions, I've just not heard anything worth regarding.

I think we would agree that the media let's us down on information. But even wrih that said if damming info was out there about Trump I don't see how it wouldn't be trumpeted all over the news.

I don't have much sympathy for people who think trump could give them the secrets to the universe.

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
All of this email garbage is just the latest attempt by the bat shit crazy foaming at the mouth crowd to bring Hillary down just like Benghazi.

Sorry folks there's no there, there!
Get over it. What's the next BS scandal, she wears pants suit a lot!



Well-Known Member
That's why bill was out getting his own . He got tired of sucking.
calling obama a gay kenyan muslim didn't worj for you retarded bigots. so why do you think "hillary is a transsexual" will work this time around?

stupidity? or can you not help your hatred?


Well-Known Member
calling obama a gay kenyan muslim didn't worj for you retarded bigots. so why do you think "hillary is a transsexual" will work this time around?

stupidity? or can you not help your hatred?
I never called Obama shit so stop generalizing , sir are the one filled with hate. Look in the mirror uncle Andy you are the bigot.


Well-Known Member
I never called Obama shit so stop generalizing , Nazi.
you cheer and piss your pants in joy over a man who quotes mussolini, wants to ban a religion, and build a wall because morons like you are terrified of mexicans, and you compare me to a nazi?

And we are still gonna build a wall that Mexico is gonna pay for.
you post shit like this, and then call me a bigot?

jesus fucking christ, you are too dumb to exist.


Well-Known Member
I'm not afraid of Mexicans at all Nazi Andy you hate filled cancer of society.
I live in Mexico.


Well-Known Member
I'm not afraid of Mexicans at all Nazi Andy you hate filled cancer of society.
I live in Mexico.
then why do you want a build a wall and make mexico pay for it?

And we are still gonna build a wall that Mexico is gonna pay for.
looks like you are a little pussy who is afraid of mexicans. an intolerant little bigot piece of shit trump lover.

i am not hate filled just because i point out that you are a racist bigot loser.


Well-Known Member
I am neither but your colors are true Nazi Andy from Colorado Springs .
so if you're not a racist bigot, why do you want to build a wall and make mexico pay for it? why do you support a candidate who literally wants to ban a religion?

you realize that is what the actual nazis did, right? they scapegoated a religion and built walls.

are you really too dumb to understand this? do you not know the meaning of your own words?


Well-Known Member
I do. Its spelled uncle Andy.
that was neither an answer to the questions i posed about your apparent bigotry, nor was it a rebuttal to any of the points i made that show the direct comparison between the actual nazi party and racist bigots like you.

you are not a bright person. you are poorly educated, and a racist. this is why donald trump appeals to you.


Well-Known Member
here comes the spam from TWS the bigot.

he has lost his capacity to use words. now we get pictures.

i can play this game.