came over from Grasscity

haha, im a member on both, but rarely post over there. IMO you get a better response, and better people, but trolling and comparing the two forums is bad form.
i know right

ever since they shut down their blogs and migrated their forum to xenforo ive noticed we've had an huge influx of their users join.
before that we would have a few here and there that were banned come over.

Was it worth it? Prove why your forums are so great
Welcome and thats the nice bit...just wait until you try to leave
ever since they shut down their blogs and migrated their forum to xenforo ive noticed we've had an huge influx of their users join.
before that we would have a few here and there that were banned come over.
Hey Boss can 'we' cash in on this,

maybe a head count like a real life bounty hunter

and get monetary units for every Gc joining up

just a thought ...?

but serious tho even a GC subforum

perhaps with links to their shop and er naturally a discount ...?
no need to say F'em. we are better isnt a pride thing my man. Kinda like a real man, no need to prove it, we just are.
We don't need to brag or prove it, the wise ones will quickly see for themselves what this community has to offer.
Was it worth it? Prove why your forums are so great
You aren't very funny. Or interesting. Umm. Well. I think o will just go ahead and save myself the time and trouble of reading any of your crap and go ahead and put you on ignore right away. Maybe go back to graccity or whatevs and beg forgiveness to come back. I dunno dude. Or call 1-900 MAYBE SOMEONE GIVES A FUCK. Welcome aboard.