ANyone here have any experience with Aquaponics?

I too am VERY interested in the going to set up an herb garden with 25 gallon very soon. Lots of info on the ol interwebs...and I think I saw somebody trying on here somewhere. Decorative fish...some leafy greens and herbs to start. Ive heard that the herb tastes extra sweet from an aquponics setup. ?..a very interesting concept and a great plan for urban farming. Please...share your experiences along the way
I too am VERY interested in the going to set up an herb garden with 25 gallon very soon. Lots of info on the ol interwebs...and I think I saw somebody trying on here somewhere. Decorative fish...some leafy greens and herbs to start. Ive heard that the herb tastes extra sweet from an aquponics setup. ?..a very interesting concept and a great plan for urban farming. Please...share your experiences along the way
Yeah I can;t wait! I'll be sure to document everything in a grow journal! :)
How big are you going....are you raising edible or medicine or both? Inside or outside.
Yeah I can;t wait! I'll be sure to document everything in a grow journal! :)

Here is a link to a page with tonnes of info....more about following good organic practices and about what and how to document your work for " Certified Naturally Grown" practices. Not necessary but a good read.
This is another good one...this a little goofy with his over abundant enthusiasm but a great wealth of info and knowledge...I love his passion. I live in Ontario Canada....a couple hours north of Toronto...looking at snow out my outdoor fish farming for this
This is another good one...this a little goofy with his over abundant enthusiasm but a great wealth of info and knowledge...I love his passion. I live in Ontario Canada....a couple hours north of Toronto...looking at snow out my outdoor fish farming for this
Do it inside! :D
The best info for growing aquaponically is at sign up for their newsletters and look at old ones. They (Tim Mann and Susan Friendly) teach courses on commercial aquaponics... I just went to such a course last week.

Tim has tried growing cannabis in his system, but without luck. Unfortunately, both he and his wife each did a three month stint in club fed for those activities... so best to not ask them about growing cannabis.

If someone experienced wants to research growing cannabis using hydroponics or aquaponics in some place legal like Colorado, I am willing to discuss providing the equipment. If interested, please send a private message.
Glad to hear it! Aquaponics is very addictive, and fun.

Bright Agrotech has a crash course on nutrients, on YouTube. I highly recommend you watch his video series and listen to his audio clips too. It can be a little overwhelming switching from premixes to aquaponic nutrients, just stick with it, and don't give up.

There is a few of us aquaponic growers out there, and every experience is much appreciated if shared.

I can be done with great results. Below is a video my old system; just keep in mind that my system is not normal, as I took the more difficult path of Aqua-Aero.

Since then I tore it down to make way for my new beefier system:

To keep records, and if you have a smartphone. I started using the app "YUFULA" from the Google playstore.
This program is designed for reef aquariums, so some of the stuff you wouldn't need, but it keeps records of your history, along with graph charts for a quick history look.
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From my research I've found the ideal nutrient levels in aquaponics should be close to the following:

Ammonia: 0.0
Nitrites: 0.0
Nitrates: 1-400+ppms
Phosphate: 30-40ppms
Potassium: 235ppms (or 2/3 of nitrate, or 2× your phosphate)
Calcium: 100-200ppms
Magnesium: 48ppms
Iron (Fe): 2-3ppms
Boron: 0.5
Manganese: 0.5-1.0ppms
Zinc: 0.05ppms
Molybdenum: 0.02ppms
Copper: 0.02ppms

These tests kits can be bought from ebay, pet stores, or some hydro stores. I highly recommend Googling each test (before you buy) to see which is easier and would suit your needs more.
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