EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread


Well-Known Member
Almost as many as the Obama references, she's saddling herself with Obama like the GOP do with Reagan..its embarrassing, he didn't even really endorse her either..it shows just how unlikable n phony she is.
she references Obama to capture the black vote trouble is, they are not too happy with his performance.
also many blacks feel he has not done enough to improve race relations.

she's trying to ride his coat tails in because she has no substance.

she's going to release paid speech transcripts as soon as everyone else does..what is she hiding?:lol:


Well-Known Member
Hillary won 67 delegates this weekend to Bernies 63. Bernie won more states but it's the delegates that counts. Total 1130 Hillary to Bernies 499


the writing is on the wall
To be fair, that's including super delegates too

658 to 471 without those (-187 difference)

I think we'll know for sure after March 15th who the Democratic candidate will be, Sanders has to pull off a miracle in the next 2 weeks


Well-Known Member
To be fair, that's including super delegates too

658 to 471 without those (-187 difference)

I think we'll know for sure after March 15th who the Democratic candidate will be, Sanders has to pull off a miracle in the next 2 weeks
To be honest Sanders would have to be kicking Hillary ass to pull those superdelegates away. He is not .
the writing is on the wall. Prepare to tow the line.


Well-Known Member
Sanders closing statement was superior to Hillary.

He deserves the job.

My vote stays.

Besides Hillary is so wonderful she reminded us that she has more votes than Trump or any candidate and she polls the winner over Trump.

She's got it made and doesn't need the Sanders' supporters..now does she?:mrgreen:

we'll just be watching..

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Well-Known Member
if she becomes president I cannot wait to say I told you so the moment you all start bitching about how horrible she is and things are..
Everybody here already admits she'll be horrible, but the thing is, no matter how horrible she is, she's still lightyears ahead of every single republican candidate

For you to deny that either means you don't fully understand how American politics works, or you're too prideful to swallow your ego and vote for the lesser of two evils

If you sit and wait for your picture perfect candidate to take the nomination before you vote, you actively disenfranchise yourself for later possible elections