Open Show n' Tell 2016

Hit my 25 survey response goal! You guys gave me better and more diverse than my responses from my facebook post (I can monitor the difference in responses between facebook and weblink posts) which is great! I credit it to our age diversity on this site, I think everyone here has probably at least considered starting their own business (outside of growing cannabis,) and half of everyone on my facebook is a brain-dead dummy I used to sell weed too whenever I lived in their town, haha.
Thank's Bro ! good luck with it. hellhole canyon is up in the hills near me. good luck with her ! she's a beauti !
Everytime you post a pic of your 1911, it makes me want to buy another one. I've had a few. Here's one of my newer ones
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That's a beauty, I'll bet it shoots well. Mine is GI issue .45, just the way it was when I picked it up in a rice paddy in 1969.....except a new barrel, that was rusted smooth, I still have it though. It rattles a little bit lol
That's a beauty, I'll bet it shoots well. Mine is GI issue .45, just the way it was when I picked it up in a rice paddy in 1969.....except a new barrel, it was rusted smooth, I still have it though. It rattles a little bit lol
Yeah, these match grade 1911's are put together a little bit more precise than those older ones, that's for sure! When you shake this pistol, nothing moves. I still dig that piece you got through bro.
Your gun sort of reminds me of my grandfathers brother. My grandfather, the one who I was telling you was shot down in the Philippines, and Bataan death marched, escaped and then recaptured, POW for 4 years had a brother in infantry. He came home with a bad ass katana from WW2 and a crazy story how he got it.
Yeah, these match grade 1911's are put together a little bit more precise than those older ones, that's for sure! When you shake this pistol, nothing moves. I still dig that piece you got through bro.
Your gun sort of reminds me of my grandfathers brother. My grandfather, the one who I was telling you was shot down in the Philippines, and Bataan death marched, escaped and then recaptured, POW for 4 years had a brother in infantry. He came home with a bad ass katana from WW2 and a crazy story how he got it.

Speaking of stories, one day my Dad and I were talking about guns, and I said that a .45 would knock you down, even if it hit your arm or leg. Daddy said, "I was shot with a .45 in the side, and it didn't knock me down." He waited a few seconds, than added, "it did go through a German soldier first though." He had never told me the story before, but they were moving through France in November of 44. His company were walking in a loose circle when a German soldier popped up in the middle of them and demanded they surrender. The Captain shot the soldier and Daddy. The next day him and a Jeep driver were going back toward the field hospital when they were ambushed. The driver was gut shot and couldn't walk, so they left him. Daddy was shot in the arm and it came out his shoulder. But he could walk, so he got to do a walking tour across France into Germany and spend the rest of the war in a POW camp.
We were out on a search & destroy mission south of Saigon and the Airborne observer spotted a group of VC setting up an ambush for us & called in a artillery strike. After that then we went in to mop up & police the area. When I turned over a dead VC woman, there was this US Army .45 under her & it was in better condition than the one I was issued, so I kept it....war is hell lol
1911A1 US ARMY 005.JPG