Medium: Soil
Strain: Cheese
How far gone: 4 weeks into flower
Tent size: 150 x 150cm
Light: 750w
Canapy distance to light: 20"
Extraction fan: 10"
Internal fan: 12" ocolating fan aimed at light and across canopy
Day temps: 25
Night temps: 17
Pot Size: 25 ltr
Nutrients: Hesi full range
PH: 6.2 - 6.8
EC: 1.3 - 1.7
I first noticed the problem about 3 weeks ago and assumed cal/mag deficiencies due to the purple stems and the brown spots starting to appear so started to add a cal/mag supplement to my feed schedule -
Nothing changed over the next 7-10 days, so flushed as thought it maybe a nute lock.
I have 25 litre pots so used 50 liters of water ph'd to 6.5, I should have really used 75 liters of water but time constraints and moving the water meant I could only use 50 liters and not 3 x your pot size as per all the flushing guide lines. On the final few liters of water i put though I included the cal mag and 1/4 strength nutes, I've since increased back up to full strength but gradually not to shock them.
I took a leaf sample to my local grow store and they agreed that it was a cal mag def. As above I had already purchased a cal/mag supplement from them the week before so they suggested I try a folilar spray, I used the spray but no improvement, if anything they got worse

I'm pulling off each leaf in which 50% of it is brown and where the ends are curling upwards which are beyond repair and each morning another leaf has the same symptoms, it mostly effects the large fan leaves but is now moving to the smaller leaves underneath the bud sites.
Finally, I notice some spider mites about 10 days ago so used a spray 20 mins before lights out and turned the wattage down to 400w and lifted the light to 25" above the canopy so the leaves would not burn - I'm not sure if this made the leaf ends curl up on themselves, as I said it was only 20 mins before lights out and the light was turned down to 400w and the lights were raised to 25" above the canopy.
*Whenever I have had cal/mag problems before the leaves have gone very yellow with brown spots where as now they are still greenish and look healthy apart from the rust spots and the leaves.
Any suggestions please

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