The Flying Dutchman sets sail!


Well-Known Member
Hey there fellow interweb freaks.

I am about to start my very first grow. ^.^

I'm going to be using the plant knowledge I gained from growing up around the farm and learning a lot from you guys as well.
For the most part I'm going to be wingin' it haha, we will see how it goes.

This is where I will post pics and updates and such for your viewing pleasure.

Thank you for joining me on this journey and I hope you enjoy it as much as I'm sure I will.
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Well-Known Member
I began germinating 2 seeds a couple nights ago.
Just now I made some temporary nursery pots and planted the sprouts.

For my lil pots I cut the top off of some empty water bottles and poked some holes in the bottom for drainage.

I accidently bought this organic potting soil with wood chips in I took a minute to pick out the large pieces...will be more careful when I buy the next stage of soil...perhaps mix my own...but I think this stuff will be fine for the first week or so.

The critical 45's root (pic) really took off.


The Claustrum's root was maybe 3/10ths of and inch long...

Waiting has never been this exciting! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I think a week or so is ok, but I I think the light is bad for the roots. That's why everyone in the SOLO cup contest is using red cups. I used some clear cups too when I started. They were biodegradeable. I thought I was really doing something great. Looking forward to seeing your grow!


Well-Known Member
One 18 hour cycle under the light and I can tell that they're just loving it compared to the windowsill haha.

Also the Claustrum passed up the Critical 47...I think maybe I should have planted the critical 47 sprout a bit deeper.


Bubs :idea:
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Well-Known Member
I made my first oops last night...
...I bent the Claustrum's stem inadvertently when I was moving my fan...

...made a lil crutch for it with a straw...hopefully it comes out of it alright...looks somewhat alright to me this morning...sorry lil buddy...heal fast...


Bubs :shock:


Well-Known Member
This morning I removed the straw crutch and the stem was nicely healed!


Was about perfect timing as I also noticed some roots starting to show through.


Now is obviously the time for transplanting into larger pots and better today I picked up some 2 gallon pots and some Fox Farm Ocean Forrest.

Also picked up some Super Silver Haze to smoke on before I begin the process.


Bubs bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
They're safe in their new homes! ^.^


We will see how they take to it I guess.

With the Claustrum (left side of above pic) I picked more of the old soil away and exposed the main root...hopefully it doesn't stress it out too much and my curiosity winds up killing the


I decided not to do that with the Critical #47 and most of the old soil around the roots got put in the new pot.

Bubs :weed:


Well-Known Member
whyd you want to expose the root??... id bury it a little more dude. dont want a tall lanky plant, itll be pretty top heavy.. i normally leave my seedlings about 1 inch taller then the soil. youre off to a nice start though dude. remember to not over feed them!.
and i just wanted to tell you


Well-Known Member
whyd you want to expose the root??... id bury it a little more dude. dont want a tall lanky plant, itll be pretty top heavy.. i normally leave my seedlings about 1 inch taller then the soil. youre off to a nice start though dude. remember to not over feed them!.
and i just wanted to tell you

I suppose I mostly just wanted to try and get most of the old soil outta there and I'm not sure what my reasoning for that was...but I think I used my better judgement by not torturing the Critical #47 that way.

I buried them a bit deeper than they were situated in the old containers because I also thought they looked a little tall/thin.
I can definitely top off the pots a little better. They are about 1 foot from the light so I'm not sure if that is the cause or if its because I didn't initially plant the sprouts deeply enough when they germinated about 2 weeks ago.

Thanks! I appreciate it! ^.^

Bubs :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I suppose I mostly just wanted to try and get most of the old soil outta there and I'm not sure what my reasoning for that was...but I think I used my better judgement by not torturing the Critical #47 that way.

I buried them a bit deeper than they were situated in the old containers because I also thought they looked a little tall/thin.
I can definitely top off the pots a little better. They are about 1 foot from the light so I'm not sure if that is the cause or if its because I didn't initially plant the sprouts deeply enough when they germinated about 2 weeks ago.

Thanks! I appreciate it! ^.^

Bubs :bigjoint:
id top off the soil, what size light and what are the temps looking like?


Well-Known Member
id top off the soil, what size light and what are the temps looking like?
Will do.

400w MH.

The grow room is my big closet...for now at least...
It's got these sliding doors, I leave the far side open a few inches and I'll leave the near side open just a crack during the day. Then I have this little hi-lo setting clip fan I leave on lo most of the time.


My phone camera doesn't like that artificial light haha.

I know eventually I will have to improve my ventilation...especially as outdoor temps start to rise.

Temps that I've noticed range from aprx 68-82 degrees...probably a touch below that in the wee hours of the morning while the light is off and I'm sleeping.
Idk how important relative humidity is at this stage but it has ranged from mid 30s to mid 50s.

Time for more soil.

Bubs :peace: