The life of an illegal grower


Well-Known Member
That's seems cool of you, but child support is that child's right, not yours. That kid deserves the extra income for the best chance at a great life. It's a pretty simple process: just file in family court, and they will hunt this loser down and garnish his paycheck, tax returns, etc. Every little bit helps, right? Plus, it seems that your hands are really full caring for other family members. Just my 2 cents...
I've had friends go through this, and some times it's better to just do on your own then deal with the crap with the courts and custody battles.


Well-Known Member
That's seems cool of you, but child support is that child's right, not yours. That kid deserves the extra income for the best chance at a great life. It's a pretty simple process: just file in family court, and they will hunt this loser down and garnish his paycheck, tax returns, etc. Every little bit helps, right? Plus, it seems that your hands are really full caring for other family members. Just my 2 cents...
I believe they should force fathers to be fathers a check means absolutely nothing to a kid a father means everything I understand the financial responsibility of raising a child but that should only Co exist with being a father to your child or penalty of imprisonment aswell responsibility it's a child not a bill just my $0.02

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Well-Known Member
Haha I'm sure he's out there somewhere. :P
My suggestion is to find a dude who's going somewhere. A dude who goes to chico state or something like that.
Here's the deal:
You are in the top 1% for looks up here. Chicks are fucking butt ugly and fat up here. Seriously! I'm screwed, but then again, i'm 42.
Do not go lookin for dudes up in magalia. They are all ex-convicts with no teeff. Good luck.
My daughter is curently looking for a doctor to marry:-D she got tired of pissing me off and dating scrubs


Well-Known Member
I believe they should force fathers to be fathers a check means absolutely nothing to a kid a father means everything I understand the financial responsibility of raising a child but that should only Co exist with being a father to your child or penalty of imprisonment aswell responsibility it's a child not a bill just my $0.02

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I kind of agree, but being a kid from a broken home. I'm glad my sperm donor was not a part of my life what so ever. Some guys just aren't meant to be fathers.


Well-Known Member
Except here's the thing. I would then have to accept a possible custody case. Because him paying (in my state) means he has a right to petition. And he has no right. He doesn't even know my son's name. I provide just fine, thank you very much. lol. But I appreciate the thought. It's just worth the extra we're not getting to not have to be afraid of him. He doesn't know where we live anymore and we want to keep it that way.
Whether he pays cs or not, he could still petition for visitation. One is not linked to the other. He obviously doesn't want to be a part of the kid's life, so it seems he'd just be a paycheck. Statistically, kids develop better with a dad in their lives, I'm sure you know that. They only reason I could understand not to go for cs is if he is abusive. Other than that, the child deserves the financial support, and/or a chance to have the dad in his life even on a very limited basis. Too often parents look at things from their desires and perspectives instead of what is truly best for the child. I'm not saying you're doing that necessarily, and it's none of my business. Just making conversation ;)


Well-Known Member
I believe they should force fathers to be fathers a check means absolutely nothing to a kid a father means everything I understand the financial responsibility of raising a child but that should only Co exist with being a father to your child or penalty of imprisonment aswell responsibility it's a child not a bill just my $0.02

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Yes, ideally the child should have both the financial support and a dad. But the law does not attempt to force a man to spend time with his children, but does force them to pay. You can do a lot for a child with extra finances, it is objectively better than nothing. And often, when the court forces cs, the dad starts taking an interest in the child. It's as if their hiding from paying, but once they have to, they some figure they may as well spend time on the child, too. Strange...


Well-Known Member
I kind of agree, but being a kid from a broken home. I'm glad my sperm donor was not a part of my life what so ever. Some guys just aren't meant to be fathers.
I'm not saying it's a perfect for every situation obviously you would not want to force a drucken child beater to be around a kid but the support system is broken aswell I have seen many good dad's over the years get fucked out of seeing there kids yet forced to pay hundreds monthly that never goes to the children anyways again not saying that all people abuse the support money

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Well-Known Member
I'm not saying it's a perfect for every situation obviously you would not want to force a drucken child beater to be around a kid but the support system is broken aswell I have seen many good dad's over the years get fucked out of seeing there kids yet forced to pay hundreds monthly that never goes to the children anyways again not saying that all people abuse the support money

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I know what you were and are saying. I usually tell my friends in that situation, keep every receipt for anything you buy for their kids, documentation is key in court. I've seen girls brag about getting child support checks, then hitting the salon, buying clothes for themself and none of that money went to the kid.
There's tons of people on both sides that abuse the system. Sadly the ones always getting hurt in those cases are the kids.


Well-Known Member
Yes, ideally the child should have both the financial support and a dad. But the law does not attempt to force a man to spend time with his children, but does force them to pay. You can do a lot for a child with extra finances, it is objectively better than nothing. And often, when the court forces cs, the dad starts taking an interest in the child. It's as if their hiding from paying, but once they have to, they some figure they may as well spend time on the child, too. Strange...
Again i understand it needs to be a case by case basis but i just think that the way they do things is broken because there are good dad's out there that get fucked in court over the man vs woman factor

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Well-Known Member
Again i understand it needs to be a case by case basis but i just think that the way they do things is broken because there are good dad's out there that get fucked in court over the man vs woman factor

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Oh man, do I agree with you. I got royally fucked during my last divorce by the courts. I was ordered to pay SO much money that I could not afford my own rent. I asked the judge where I was supposed to take my kid on weekends when I'm homeless. She replied, "not my problem". It is a fucked up system to be sure, and I was a great dad. But, that's all beside the point. A broken court system is just another obstacle to be overcome. That's the origin of me selling, then growing. weed. Just to pay for that shit. Another case of the courts creating a criminal ;)
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Well-Known Member
I believe they should force fathers to be fathers a check means absolutely nothing to a kid a father means everything I understand the financial responsibility of raising a child but that should only Co exist with being a father to your child or penalty of imprisonment aswell responsibility it's a child not a bill just my $0.02

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Rollitup mobile app
Unless that person is a sociopath who I'd sooner toe tag than let near my son.


Well-Known Member
Whether he pays cs or not, he could still petition for visitation. One is not linked to the other. He obviously doesn't want to be a part of the kid's life, so it seems he'd just be a paycheck. Statistically, kids develop better with a dad in their lives, I'm sure you know that. They only reason I could understand not to go for cs is if he is abusive. Other than that, the child deserves the financial support, and/or a chance to have the dad in his life even on a very limited basis. Too often parents look at things from their desires and perspectives instead of what is truly best for the child. I'm not saying you're doing that necessarily, and it's none of my business. Just making conversation ;)
He tried to push me out of a moving car. And killed my bird. So... lol


Well-Known Member
Again i understand it needs to be a case by case basis but i just think that the way they do things is broken because there are good dad's out there that get fucked in court over the man vs woman factor

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It's a sexist ass system is what it is. Any decent father should have a chance. Women are not always genetically predesposed to be what their children need.


Well-Known Member
My suggestion is to find a dude who's going somewhere. A dude who goes to chico state or something like that.
Here's the deal:
You are in the top 1% for looks up here. Chicks are fucking butt ugly and fat up here. Seriously! I'm screwed, but then again, i'm 42.
Do not go lookin for dudes up in magalia. They are all ex-convicts with no teeff. Good luck.
My daughter is curently looking for a doctor to marry:-D she got tired of pissing me off and dating scrubs
I'm not even looking right now. He'll find me. I got shit to do. lol