The 2016 election is the first in 50 years without the full protections of the Voting Rights Act.


Well-Known Member
"I made a bad call and it cost people their lives",.... "I trusted the locals and learned that I shouldn`t because it cost people their lives".... "I`m against Gay marriage but will respect what the people want"......

These are things that would have me voting for Hillary, but she did not go that way, she blamed someone else. Hillary,....out.


Well-Known Member
Voters Were Blocked From the Polls on Super Tuesday by New Restrictions

On Super Tuesday, voters went to the polls in Waller County, Texas, where 28-year-old Sandra Bland controversially died in police custody last year. It has been described as “the most racist county in the state of Texas,” with the highest number of lynchings between 1877 and 1950. In 2004, the district attorney tried to prevent college students at the historically black Prairie View A&M University from voting where they attended school.
Waller County resident Imani Clark, a student at Prairie View A&M, was blocked from casting a ballot by Texas’ strict voter ID law. She does not have a driver’s license or own a car and does not possess one of the seven forms of government-issued identification required to vote in the state. She could vote with a handgun permit in Texas, but not her student ID.
@Uncle Ben says Texas is a great place- they're also lenient on growers and smokers.


Well-Known Member
"I made a bad call and it cost people their lives",.... "I trusted the locals and learned that I shouldn`t because it cost people their lives".... "I`m against Gay marriage but will respect what the people want"......

These are things that would have me voting for Hillary, but she did not go that way, she blamed someone else. Hillary,....out.
That's just silly.

"I want to build a wall, and Im going to make Mexico pay for it, and that is not what the majority of Americans want."
"I would punch protestors in the face if I weren't such a coward."

This is the sort of rhetoric you think is ok?


Well-Known Member
That's just silly.

"I want to build a wall, and Im going to make Mexico pay for it, and that is not what the majority of Americans want."
"I would punch protestors in the face if I weren't such a coward."

This is the sort of rhetoric you think is ok?
Do you mean add on to the existing wall that your tax dollars paid for ? Even you have a point when you`ll swing.

Yes, honesty goes further than lies or pleading the fifth.
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nitro harley

Well-Known Member
That's just silly.

"I want to build a wall, and Im going to make Mexico pay for it, and that is not what the majority of Americans want."
"I would punch protestors in the face if I weren't such a coward."

This is the sort of rhetoric you think is ok?
A majority of americans do support the wall.

Among all likely voters, 51% favor building a wall on the border; 37% disagree, and 12% are not sure. Eighty percent (80%) support the deportation of all illegal immigrants convicted of a felony; only 11% are opposed.
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Well-Known Member
Do you mean add on to the existing wall that your tax dollars paid for ? Even you have a point when you`ll swing.

Yes, honesty goes further than lies or pleading the fifth.
I didn't agree with Bush's wall. Nor do I agree with Trump's wall.

I prefer silence over hubris and stupidity. Most rational thinking people would agree.

A majority of americans do support the wall.

Among all likely voters, 51% favor building a wall on the border; 37% disagree, and 12% are not sure. Eighty percent (80%) support the deportation of all illegal immigrants convicted of a felony; only 11% are opposed.
Cite your bullshit please.


Well-Known Member
I prefer Artillery training camps, Spread out doing the training on the job. When peace is obtained and infiltration deterred ,..pack up and move. Besides, your ladder wont work. Right now they are in West Virginia and doing the same ole routines and not moving anything. Not scouting real people. Nothing to look forward to but the same thing they did yesterday.

All the expertise and mobility training they will need is there. No-one will challenge it. If they have to, just don`t be there when they do.


Well-Known Member
Rasmussen reports, a favorable Republican bias, who was deemed the most inaccurate poll during the 2010 and 2012 election cycles.

Yea, if you don't mind, could you please provide other supporting evidence? I'm guessing you can't.

Forget the truthiness of the poll. Taking it at its face value.
The poll surveyed 1000 people.

I bet if I polled 1000 people, the majority of them would say nitro harley was a racist who fucks chickens. Totally valid. Amirite?
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Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
You always talk like you are from somewhere else and Americans are foreign to you. Character flaw. And, the stupid made me think Russian, it`s on you to make your impressions. Not me,

I get it oddball, your top piece is not wrapped too tight I can safely say you're the only one on this site who didn't figure out I was Puerto Rican/Latino/Hispanic especially when I already mentioned I was of Hispanic decent plenty of times.

Just so you know Puerto Ricans are born U.S. citizens wether it be here on US soil or on the Island just like Hawaii the difference being we can vote in presidential primaries from the island BUT we cannot vote in the general elections from the Island because unlike Hawaii it is not a state, Islanders have voted down statehood several times. We do not need papers of residency nor do you need a passport to travel there. A bit of history for you, the Island became a Territory of the USA after the Spanish/American war of 1898.

You know there is a great big world out there, you should know this because of your time serving in the military...unlike you I try to know about the folks I deal with.

Russian? How the fuck you get Russian.


nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Rasmussen reports, a favorable Republican bias, who was deemed the most inaccurate poll during the 2010 and 2012 election cycles.

Yea, if you don't mind, could you please provide other supporting evidence? I'm guessing you can't.

Forget the truthiness of the poll. Taking it at its face value.
View attachment 3628425
The poll surveyed 1000 people.

I bet if I polled 1000 people, the majority of them would say nitro harley was a racist who fucks chickens. Totally valid. Amirite?
You don't have to like it. I figured you wouldn't like it and that is OK. Here have another tums. TRUMP!