Soldiers Co Op Outdoor thread

I help my buddies kill hogs every winter and they salt/smoke cure hams and bacon. I get hooked up fat with ribs, fresh sausage, lard, ham, bacon and tenderloins, plus lots of smoked and salted pork for seasoning. A little blood in trade ain't bad at all!
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Yea, we get to pick up their mom on monday from 4 star meats. I was going to butcher myself, but I dont have the time right now. Should be about 120 pounds of meat going into the freezer though.

Got a different buddy coming to stay the week, maybe 2, hes my old roommate in sac, lives in a rough area and wants out before his kids born. Gonna be a crazy few weeks. Gonna put his ass to work helping on the farm though :) I am starting to really get my plan of attack together for the season

I am hoping to have the greenhouse complete, plastic on by the end march.

Planning/shooting to get my 65s emptied into the 200 gallons by april 15th. They have cover crops currently in them. My extra 3 100s that dont have cover crops established I will empty into the 200s asap, will also add in a grip of rabbit manure in.

Will continue to move plants outside on sunny days, but shooting to have the 200s filled, amended, and starting to compost the cover crops by april 15. planting the plants perm. into there 200s may 20th. Gives the pots a month and a week to compost, break down, and set a bit.

Will feed them AACT as well.
Busted out another mid level rat run before the rains really came down. Only one more to go! loving the progress, just chipping right away at it. Going to be ordering probably a dozen circulation fans next week and get those installed after the plastic is on. Been getting the ground leveled back out section by section, and measuring out the weed cloth barrier. Got the pallets together, and such. Vacation season is over, thats for sure!
so, my boy from cali and I got more greenhouse work done. And some un - doing work. i found these galv, brackets made to do exactly what I am doing, (1x4 anchored to 1" pvc bows) so replacing the metal plumbers tape with the brackets. We got all the rat runs built, and on the bows. Also, got the hinges on, and will be painting the back of the door and getting it hung soon. We are just about ready for plastic, which is awesome.

It was sunny for the first half the day, so I took the plants outside under the sun. This was the seedling/teen sized seawarps, and the wet dreams x seawarp cross, and the grand master kush, and the big 10 gallon outdoor ladies. it turned monsoon rain, so plants were hastily shoved back under the MH lighting.

Got my soil test from logan labs incoming to, they called to process payment and verify email address to email me it, hard copy coming in mail. This will help me tailor my soil to the exact needs. Anyway, was a good day for progress.

Also, @treemansbuds the best 2 grand master kush showed female parts ;)

Yea, shes SLOOOOOOOW for me in veg. And slow to root. Like 15 days it seems. Got a few rooted finally though, so will have a larger amount in a later run, but the one I sourced directly from you is now many many tops, and ready to flip. I imagine very little stretch on her? cant wait to see your pics, and compare em to how mine do.
Yea, I am hoping to keep expanding moms on her, I have high hopes. She is very similar to the cut I had in cali structure and growth wise, so pretty sure its gonna be one I run for my head stash every cycle