Syrian rue


Well-Known Member
Do a google search on the effects. Some people drink as a tea 30 mins prior to smoking weed. 3 grams of Rue tea works well.


Well-Known Member
My mom has my 2ci it won't be an effective experiment cause I don't have the same substance.

However... I do love me some allylescaline (mescaline with an allylhgdhhdjjesomething molecule attached)
And I do have me a fancy new scale that I stole the batteries from @ttystikk (just realized that, when I see you again I owe you two AAA batteries)

And allylescaline lasts 8-10 hours and... Monday its a date. You didn't have to twist my arm so hard gosh!


Well-Known Member
I got a mix of the 2cp and allylescaline on my hand while in Colorado. Mostly allylescaline cause I spilled the weigh boat at the last second. I tripped on the first part of the ride home... It was not unpleasant, but I. Never. Ever. Ever. Want to do that again! Weird cause I washed my hands. I saw insects like stink bugs I guess. With the little X on their backs. They were running around through my eyelids. I could see their 100 legs, yellow black red and I think brownish, and they had red yellow and black bodies and they were scurrying all over the place. I saw a little other. Stuff but that's what sticks out the most was those bug shapes crawling around


Well-Known Member
I don't eat chocolate so I'm not a fan, but I've been hearing a lot about cocoa powders. Looks like you need the dark kind? Couldyou point me to the correct kind to get? I'll write up a chocolate shroom recipe, that's the only way I eat chocolate


Well-Known Member
I don't eat chocolate so I'm not a fan, but I've been hearing a lot about cocoa powders. Looks like you need the dark kind? Couldyou point me to the correct kind to get? I'll write up a chocolate shroom recipe, that's the only way I eat chocolate
I just use bakers semi-sweet, you can go darker if you want as it will make the trip more intense but not as long, but the darker the cocoa the harder it is to work with, chocolate can be tricky. One thing I will say if you are a newb to working with cocoa is NEVER MIX WATER IN THE CHOCOLATE!! It will cause it to seize up and become almost impossible to work with.


Well-Known Member
Lol I'm a newb to eating it I cook with it all the time
Haha right on, you are prolly way better with cocoa than me then lol, I only use it to make my shroom chocolates ha! First time I made a batch, years ago, I ran out of chocolate and it came out way to thick, so my dumb ass thought " oh yea add some water and thin it out some" DOH!! It seized up so bad on me oh man.... I had to add a ton of oil to loosen it up enuff to get in the moulds lol... Needless to say, my first batch came out potent enuff but the chocolate itself was terrible!
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Well-Known Member
I have a banging chocolate recipe, and it so happens that later on this afternoon I'm making a pretty big batch of chocolates. I will make a thread showing my chocolate shroom tek with pictures.
How well does the cocoa potentiate in your experience? What portion of your usual amount would you recommend eating?


Well-Known Member
Put a little more research into it, phenethylamines (allylescaline, mescaline, 2cx etc) are more than likely deadly combined with rue. Not phenethylamines+rue is kinda not ok but p+ rue is morgue status or permanent psychosis so I'll be combining it with something else. Really I'm just at the point of I have this rue. Now what????????????????????????