

Gots to stay away from dem shards....mirrors will get ya
Noopept is a nootropic. I use it to improve my mental faculty. It also is a nice stimulant, which is my primary use for it recreationally, but it does have some minor effect on color. The (1st) high dose will, IME, leave you giggly and entactogenated for a few hours. You can buy it from PowderCity
I've been taking around 1/8 of a hit every 3 days for about a month, and I must say I've been feeling pretty good. Been energetic and flowing pretty well.

for a few years, I was drinking beer every day. Now I rarely do, but if I do, it dampens my awareness noticeably for 2 or 3 days. Alcohol is a dark substance, and I noticed this effect quite pronounced on some good liquid. I was super aware, expanded out and light feeeeeling everything. Had one beer and it was like someone had thrown a shade on my light .

So after a month, I've concluded that micro dosing is beneficial to your day to day affairs, and alcohol can undo a lot of good psychedelic work.

The quest continues
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I've been in a drinking beer every day mode for years now too. I don't like the habit but I really love beer.

So you're only eating about a tab and 2/8 over a month. Are you going to keep it up? Sounds like it's been really positive.

I've never eaten only an 1/8 tab do have any noticeable come up or down?
I've been in a drinking beer every day mode for years now too. I don't like the habit but I really love beer.

So you're only eating about a tab and 2/8 over a month. Are you going to keep it up? Sounds like it's been really positive.

I've never eaten only an 1/8 tab do have any noticeable come up or down?
I love beer. The only way that I've been resisting its call is the cold weather. No that it's like 70 out...
So what exactly are you accomplishing by microdosing? I'm a very experienced tripper (lsd, lsa, microdots, dmt, mushrooms, ayahuasca) you name it I've tried it. I notice nothing on lsd if I don't take at least a full stamp. What do you get from microdosing sounds interesting.
I have heard that it helps focus and energy for day to day affairs, like work. I guess I'm using it as a mild stimulant, and yeah, I don't feel much from taking so little.

But I I take a whole hit, chances are I'm not going to get any work done, and I'll end up doing something more fun :razz:.

So I'm not exactly sure what I'm accomplishing, if anything, it's more of a personal experiment.

Also @kenobi what is in your micro dots? I thought that was a 60s and 70s thing
Ate a small mushroom today mid morning. It was probably 1.5-2.5 grams wet. Trying to stay way below a threshold dose.

Feel great -

Notable mood increase,
Energy levels are up,
Music has more depth,
Got into a spiritual conversation with a co worker,
Definitely an analytical boost as work seems interesting today :)