Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
Breitbart Staffers Believe Trump Has Given Money To Site For Favorable Coverage

Inside the most pro-Trump news outlet on the right, some employees say the billionaire candidate has provided financial backing in exchange for fawning headlines — a charge management strongly denies.
Is that like when Democrats blocked Ma from seeing the Debate Hillary got crushed in ?


Well-Known Member
That`s exactly what you do when you read White pride,...get hung up on the prefix,...That`s all I needed to read from you to see double standards,...

You hate White people.
slime ball1st "I'll sink ya twice" wtf, juvenile half wit.
dudeyoure a backwards racist bitch. The only hate here is for ignorance and racism. Your idiot ass ticks both boxes. You're too stupid to acknowledge your thoughts are those of toxic, rejected losers.


Well-Known Member
slime ball1st "I'll sink ya twice" wtf, juvenile half wit.
dudeyoure a backwards racist bitch. The only hate here is for ignorance and racism. Your idiot ass ticks both boxes. You're too stupid to acknowledge your thoughts are those of toxic, rejected losers.
It`s true, I`ll sink ya, bring ya back up, and sink you again, just to laugh at it. I like a good laugh and a angry E-foo champion to laugh at.


Well-Known Member
It`s true, I`ll sink ya, bring ya back up, and sink you again, just to laugh at it. I like a good laugh and a angry E-foo champion to laugh at.
what type of idiot mumbling is that? bro you're a certified jack ass. You'll sink your cornichon in nitros or reds boi pussy. Is that what yore trying to communicate?not surprising that the stupidest, least educated fucks on riu are racist khunts servicing trumps
Flaccid Wang.


Well-Known Member
what type of idiot mumbling is that? bro you're a certified jack ass. You'll sink your cornichon in nitros or reds boi pussy. Is that what yore trying to communicate?not surprising that the stupidest, least educated fucks on riu are racist khunts servicing trumps
Flaccid Wang.

Look at this post,...then think stupid or educated,...which fits best. Has nothing to do with me,...just what you posted.


Well-Known Member
Very memorable event

March out the young black guy

Old white fuck sucker punches the black guy while he's surrounded by white cops

Cops take down the black guy...
The "old white guy" took down the black guy. The cops arrested the white guy. You people are such liars.
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