Outsider's perception of trump, if you already dint know


Well-Known Member
Witth respect and hope for america id like to start a post about non-emerican sentiments about donald trump and his followers,

Id like yo start off saying i am canadian , ( add joke here )
When i watch and listen to donald trump talk of his plans and visions i am frightened, with all of his criminal affiliation and racist past i am shocked, truly shocked that he is even a contender, when i watch hos rallies i often have to change the channel , he gives me a really anxious uneasy feeling ,, kind of like watching clips of ww2 ( world war 2 for all the idiots). Anyways i still have hope that the majority of americans have a sound mind and will do the right choice,, witch to me is anyone but him, whoever beats him will have an extra bonus point for not being trump,,and for you weed enthusiasts,,im sure he'l come up with some sort of lifetime jail sentance or execution for weed growers if he is elected, fuck trump
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Staff member
i dont see why people are shocked this idiot is up for president getting votes .

have you see the shit america does? like just take a gander at their news on a daily basis

im surprised he isnt titling himself king of the world and walking around with a burger king crown and scepter throwing bombs at other countries already


Well-Known Member
Witth respect and hope for america id like to start a post about non-emerican sentiments about donald trump and his followers,

Id like yo start off saying i am canadian , ( add joke here )
When i watch and listen to donald trump talk of his plans and visions i am frightened, with all of his criminal affiliation and racist past i am shocked, truly shocked that he is even a contender, when i watch hos rallies i often have to change the channel , he gives me a really anxious uneasy feeling ,, kind of like watching clips of ww2 ( world war 2 for all the idiots). Anyways i still have hope that the majority of americans have a sound mind and will do the right choice,, witch to me is anyone but him, whoever beats him will have an extra bonus point for not being trump,,and for you weed enthusiasts,,im sure he'l come up with some sort of lifetime jail sentance or execution for weed growers if he is elected, fuck trump
I respect your right to protest trump.

I dont respect the protesters that shut out free speech.


Well-Known Member
Outrage? A bunch of liberals acts up and I should be outraged? Donald Trump gets 4 hours on Fox News tonight for free and I am outraged?

I am not even excited...

Liberals prove time and again how completely intolerant they are. This is not news, much less recent news.


Well-Known Member
Outrage? A bunch of liberals acts up and I should be outraged? Donald Trump gets 4 hours on Fox News tonight for free and I am outraged?

I am not even excited...

Liberals prove time and again how completely intolerant they are. This is not news, much less recent news.
Please explain to me how you find what trumps doing alright,,, before you " open my eyes" i will call you a rich selfish prick or a poor missled fool,, either way i hope you and your kind just make up a small percentage of america ( im sure you do)


Well-Known Member
Please explain to me how you find what trumps doing alright,,, before you " open my eyes" i will call you a rich selfish prick or a poor missled fool,, either way i hope you and your kind just make up a small percentage of america ( im sure you do)
misled fool? Nah, just fool.
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Well-Known Member
Please explain to me how you find what trumps doing alright,,, before you " open my eyes" i will call you a rich selfish prick or a poor missled fool,, either way i hope you and your kind just make up a small percentage of america ( im sure you do)
he ain't rich. he scrubs pools for $20 a pop and had to take out a loan to cover his daily living expenses.


Well-Known Member
Now we have Canadian Trump protests . Lol
Yeah ,, your right! What do international affairs have to do with who becomes president,,
Wow man,,, i first thought you where just smartass wisemouth,, but now im starting to see your just a morron


Well-Known Member
Why should we care what the world thinks of who SHOULD'DNT be the next president, our economy is 100% self sufficient ( the previous phrase spoken in the most stupid numbkunt tone)
We're amuricah. We say jump , everybody else says " how high"
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Well-Known Member
How about you take Trump & we will reluctantly keep Bieber.

Hey, you started it. o_O
no, people calling obama a half breed, or a kenyan, or a muslim, or any of that other racist shit is what led to trump.

I did some homework & discovered that Kenya is a pretty diverse place, quite a few Italians live there, so I guess you don't have to be black to "run from lions in Kenya".
And speaking of black, our president is also half white - not that it gets recognized much, just doesn't sound as good saying our first Mulatto president.
I don't care that Obama is (half) black, I dislike the white half for the destruction he's causing.


Well-Known Member
Keep your hate in check my friend - Its not good for you.
what hatred?

i am just reminding you of some of the incredibly racist shit you have said here.

someone said that obama "should be running from lions in kenya", and you took it upon yourself to defend that racist statement.

that speaks to your hatred, not mine.

and then, there is this thread you started about how you think obama is a kenyan.


yep, you are a racist alright.

the hatred is yours, not mine.

don't shoot the messenger.


Well-Known Member
i dont see why people are shocked this idiot is up for president getting votes .

have you see the shit america does? like just take a gander at their news on a daily basis

im surprised he isnt titling himself king of the world and walking around with a burger king crown and scepter throwing bombs at other countries already
Easy for you to say Sunni. Canada abolished it's anchor baby laws decades ago, so you don't have that problem