need more advice on cloning

I have tried aero etc. I still use good potting soil and then I use a clear drink cup for the dome. I think 12oz. I snip a couple small holes in the top. Tons of info on this site. I have found aft 4 to 5 days I will pull the dome and let the soil dry out some. Make the plant send out roots. If the soil is to wet it will never root. I also use a mat in cold weather. Experiment
I hope it lives! I drink a lot bottled water so. I read to use spit on the end. So being brokey I did! Guess we'll see by tomorrow. All my $ to my 3 yr old bday tomorrow
Cloning successfully for the first time is probably the hardest thing you will do while growing. I tried on 30+ clones before I got 1 to root (Only 3 runs of 10 though)

I would be very impressed/surprised if that bottle does it for you.

Are you opening it for fresh air? Did you use rooting gel?

I used rooting gel, clone dome and seedling mat and still failed a few times. My suggestion is to watch as many videos as possible until you can afford the proper setup. It's only about $40-50 for everything.
Happy to help but there are a shite ton of threads on this. Aloe is a cheap cloning hormone. Cloning is really simple if you follow these steps. Everyone has their method. This works for me.

1. Fill a different container with water for each strain/pheno you are cutting. Ideally with a rooting hormone in it.
2. Get a razor blade
3. Wet a paper towel with rubbing alcohol
4. Select clone. Most say take from the bottom. I have success with taking from the top or bottom of the plant. For starters take from the bottom.
5. Scrape cutting to be taken and scrape it just above the node you plan to cut at. Scrape abt 1/2" or so to increase root growing area.
6. Take cutting by slicing at an angle with a sterilized razor blade.
7. Immediately put in water.
8. Repeat until you have all the clones you need. Sterilize razor between different plants.
9. Soak rapid rooters or rockwool in water ( if rockwool ph water to 5.5 and ) Squeeze gently to remove excess water. You want moist but not soaked.
10. Dip cutting in rooting hormone and then place in rapid rooter or rockwool. Sometimes making a small pilot hole helps. Especially with rapid rooters and smaller diameter stems. I use rapid rooters upside down FYI.
11. Snip ends of leaves and remove unnecessary leaves.
12. Place in clone tray plug holder and repeat till done.
13. Put some water in tray.
14. Mist dome and cover tray.
15. Put on heat mat if needed ( cool/cold climate )
16. Put under 24hr lights.
17. Remove dome in morning and evening for air exchange and mist leaves and dome.
18. Check rapid rooters/rockwool every few days to make sure they aren't dry. Spray or lightly dunk to keep moist.
19. Repeat 17 and 18 till roots appear 1+ weeks on avg.
IMG_20160311_202036.jpg I took the lids off. So the little is already kinda sagging over. But.... Check out this larger clone & container. I did a lot better job on this one. No gel or Spit. Weird chic on YouTube with that one. Fan is going pretty good in my green room. I will make sure good air
IMG_20160311_223343.jpg OK found those jiffy peats. So here's 2 more. That's it. See if alive on Saturday. If dead I cut no more off. I'll just wait for next round & be more prepared. Thank you
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I recently had some success using 2L bottles like that. Then I found big 3L bottles, even better.
When they wilt I put the lid on it for a day, after taking the top half and huffing a hot steamy breath in it.
I think it's a pretty good dome system!
I can't see how you did it, but I cut the bottom off the bottles, then cut a slit down the wall of the bottom piece so its width could shrink and the top piece could slide down over it.

I've also been having plenty of success with no domes. And with no rooting gel!
All my experiments have lead to rooted clones so far.
Hey greenlo clones survived the night! I am over the moon. All alive & doing good. No gel no frills total Diy! One container was a Simply Orange jug. Largest one was a Hawaiin Punch jug. & a water bottle.
Hey just seen this thought I'd share how I clone. I personally think ppl make it harder then it seems. I use water and super thrive and just sit the cuttings in the water simple as that. I change water every other day.
Hey geet I feel you I finally got up the confidence to try my hand. In fact the tiny one was sagging over last pm now standing tall! I watched & watched & read a lot too!
Yours look lovely! I have a confession. So kinda wacky chic onyYouTube said use your own saliva if no gel. Well I did. To the tiny one didn't know if helped or not.
to help when you very first start cloneing put them straight into water in a cup in a room at room temp,not hot.This will help with the wilting.,cloning can be has easy has anything just don't over complicate things,if your water is ok then use tap water if not shop bought spring water ,if you use spring water bottled no need to ph,i use tap water aint used a ph meter in years in any of my growing no need.

Straight into aloe vera slime then into medium,i have found aloe vera to be great with seedling and clones,put a bit of the slim in the pre soak water mix well before cutting your first cuts from the plant,you want them to go straight to water,to stop any air embolism's