Burning Man


story: i had a friend who used to jerk off... A LOT... i printed this out and stuck in on his locker back in high school,, it was great

story: i took this picture because some "crazy dude" posted a thread saying that you could determine sex at germination by if it has a "curly tail" or a "straight tail"
about 50 users said they were going to test it to see if it was true and that they were all going to post back with results... that was a couple of months ago and not a single person has replied... i knew something was funny with that "crazy dude".. he said some old hippie stoner (probably resembling willie nelson or cheech marin) told him.. i should have known better than to waste my time with that pic..lol
I'm too far away for burning man. I went to bonnaroo though. i know to all you "festival folk" broo isn't cool. But I had a blast!
Yeah, Burning Man is in my backyard and I have yet to go. Why? Well...I just don't know why anymore. This year it was a money issue, but next year.... :D
burning man(well burning something wooden anyway) story: when i was growing up we were too poor for fireworks on holiday events so my mom would buy me a box of matches and i would build things with them and set them on fire.... in my teenage years i turned out to be a pyro... hmmmmmmm