The Drunk Thread!

I think it's a good night o drink. After I finish the viewing tonights it beer and video game time.

Maybe vodka and some a handful of benzos to make sure the party gets going.
Naw risky but this is no harm reduction site. 4 mg alprazolam have been eaten smoked a big one chugged a bit now i gotta interact with cashier fot more beer later.

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Hey dude. Been awhile. How’s it hangin? I may have a glass of wine or so at dinner this eve. My roommate is making slow cooked short ribs that’ll be ready in a couple hours!

Got so wasted last night I couldn't get out of bed until noon today. Totally worthless.
lmao i know exactly how that felt and its fucking horrible isn't it? anxiety and depression really hits you in the state on top of the nausea and headache which i believe is the hands down the worse feeling in the world lol, drink slower, and drink like 4 mugs of water slowly before goin into a drunken coma and you'll be grateful the next day believe me haha