doublejj's next big adventure....Lone Oak Farms 2016

They only come up and bite when the rivers turns the lakes over to chocolate mud . You fish them at the river entrance to the lake in the current in about 5 ft of water.
The catfish here like to find the deepest hole they can find or lay under logs so it can be tough to get em up somtimes
Sailfish?......Acapulco....back when you could vacation in Mexico...
Carry a fishing rod in one hand and that 45 in the other!
Sailfish?......Acapulco....back when you could vacation in Mexico...
My sister and BIL stayed a week on the Gulf of California. The place they were staying offered a half day charter to anyone who would sit through a Time Share sales pitch. They did and caught some nice fish. Nothing huge, but they took them to a local seafood shack type place, and talked the folks into cooking them. Sister said it was much better than the seafood in the hotel.
My sister and BIL stayed a week on the Gulf of California. The place they were staying offered a half day charter to anyone who would sit through a Time Share sales pitch. They did and caught some nice fish. Nothing huge, but they took them to a local seafood shack type place, and talked the folks into cooking them. Sister said it was much better than the seafood in the hotel.
Seafood has to be fresh to taste best
My sister and BIL stayed a week on the Gulf of California. The place they were staying offered a half day charter to anyone who would sit through a Time Share sales pitch. They did and caught some nice fish. Nothing huge, but they took them to a local seafood shack type place, and talked the folks into cooking them. Sister said it was much better than the seafood in the hotel.
We used to do that all the time in Baja, take our catch into a local restaurant & pay them to cook it up...awesome times
I can't imagine growing up in a large city and never getting the chance to hunt and fish anytime I wanted to. City people don't know what they're missing.
I can't imagine growing up in a large city and never getting the chance to hunt and fish anytime I wanted to. City people don't know what they're missing.

Yep, living in the sticks is the way to go. I don't hunt and fish as much as I used to, but knowing there is a river, creek and pond within a mile of the house is relaxing.

I bitch and moan about the traffic by the house all the time. It is not uncommon for me to see 5 or 6 cars go by most mornings when I'm working in the garden. It didn't used to be like this. When I was a kid, if you saw a car, they were coming to see you, or lost. My road is two miles long, and there are at least 8 or 10 houses on it. That number used to be 2.
Yep, living in the sticks is the way to go. I don't hunt and fish as much as I used to, but knowing there is a river, creek and pond within a mile of the house is relaxing.

I bitch and moan about the traffic by the house all the time. It is not uncommon for me to see 5 or 6 cars go by most mornings when I'm working in the garden. It didn't used to be like this. When I was a kid, if you saw a car, they were coming to see you, or lost. My road is two miles long, and there are at least 8 or 10 houses on it. That number used to be 2.
I am starting to think our country is getting overpopulated. There's only so much land you can build golf courses and condos on these days
Sailfish?......Acapulco....back when you could vacation in Mexico...

I remember that and my best friend took a jet ride down from los angeles to bring his dad 10 grand cash...He is anchored in the cove aboard a 60' ketch(cement sail boat)we drank cases of cold Corona's while sitting on the boat..than a small boat vendor came bye to ask if we wanted some acappoco gold,so sure we paid 5 dollars for a pre roll...he had a cute 16 year old hooker with him and offered that up as well...we did not take the bait on that one!
I am starting to think our country is getting overpopulated. There's only so much land you can build golf courses and condos on these days
My county if mostly agriculture and timber land. The Chamber of Commerce types are always trying to get industry and tourists in. We have a new business just down the road that takes tubers up the river and lets them float down. It's mostly drunk college kids from FSU. We have a little river land, and are always having to pick up their trash.

Although some of those drunk college kids do make good scenery.