Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page


Well-Known Member
hey all, I know I have been a pest with all my rookie questions regarding my scrog screen build. Turns out it was a lot easier than I had envisioned. anyway, just wanted to say i no longer needed my questions answered. I just burned down, and took a stroll thru the local Lowes. I ended up just going with exactly what you suggested. I was gonna do the screws, and use masonry string, but the plastic fencing and zip ties seemed way easier, so that is what i went with.
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I am just going to hang it with 1/4 inch ratchet hangers, and then strap it to the bottom of the frame for any vertical upward push the plant might throw at it, but i think this should do the trick. I am curious as to why a lot of growers say string is the best...why? anyone? is there anything wrong with this as a setup?
From what I've read, I believe people like string because it does less possible damage to the plants. Plastic is less forgiving. That being said, I've seen pictures of guys using chicken wire and fishing line! So I figure whatever floats ones boat. Lol


Well-Known Member
So chopped her down 2 days ago. (Day 55). Did not get as musch as I hoped from the SCROG method: 38.5gram (1.4 Oz)
Used most wattage of CFL so far and other conditions were as last years. BUT still Im happy I have some new spliff to smoke for a while (not a daily smoker). I hope quality before quantity!! Let the curing begin!

C99 grown in coco, 365W CFL lights, Canna coco A+B, Canna P/K 13/14, hand watered


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Well-Known Member
Day one of flower
Oh wow, well I better flip mind then. Will waiting to long have any negative effect? other than being crowded? I have seen some REALLY CROWDED scrogs that didn't look like there were any issues, but i do keep reading not to wait to long. Why is that? will being to crowded hurt your yield? how do you think your yield will fare? seeings how you said you accidentally waited to long to flip...
Side note, Fucking hilarious that your Thermometer got swallowed up in the JUNGLE!! Got a couple tops there going eh? hahaha!!
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Well-Known Member
Poor little monitor doesn't have a chance! Lol.... From what I understand about scrog, the goal is to have the two week flower stretch stop when the screen is full. Looking like I missed this mark by a week. This is my first true scrog, and first run in coco with this strain. My last run was a trial scrog in soil with this strain, and it took 12 plants a month of veg, and 2-1/2 weeks of flower to fill the screen. This run I vegged for two weeks and they have been flowering for 13 days now, and I'm already 6" through a full screen. I think the only thing I have to worry about is what their overall higth at the end of flower is going to be. I've got 24" to play with so hope that's enough. As far as crowding, my goal was to have a bud site coming through every square in the screen. The squares are 3.5" x 3.5" which I estimate should be plenty of room for good light penetration to each bud site. Only time will tell though! I should have flipped my lights 3 or 4 days earlier then I did for it to be a true scrog. If the growth I'm having now is any indication of how my final yield is going to come out, I can't even begin to guess what this yield is going to be. My trial scrog soil run yielded 1.6# per 1000 watts. Close to my 2.25# goal. This run is blowing that out of the water! I'm going to be like a kid before Christmas for the next 6 weeks.


Well-Known Member
Poor little monitor doesn't have a chance! Lol.... From what I understand about scrog, the goal is to have the two week flower stretch stop when the screen is full. Looking like I missed this mark by a week. This is my first true scrog, and first run in coco with this strain. My last run was a trial scrog in soil with this strain, and it took 12 plants a month of veg, and 2-1/2 weeks of flower to fill the screen. This run I vegged for two weeks and they have been flowering for 13 days now, and I'm already 6" through a full screen. I think the only thing I have to worry about is what their overall higth at the end of flower is going to be. I've got 24" to play with so hope that's enough. As far as crowding, my goal was to have a bud site coming through every square in the screen. The squares are 3.5" x 3.5" which I estimate should be plenty of room for good light penetration to each bud site. Only time will tell though! I should have flipped my lights 3 or 4 days earlier then I did for it to be a true scrog. If the growth I'm having now is any indication of how my final yield is going to come out, I can't even begin to guess what this yield is going to be. My trial scrog soil run yielded 1.6# per 1000 watts. Close to my 2.25# goal. This run is blowing that out of the water! I'm going to be like a kid before Christmas for the next 6 weeks.
So according to my qwik math, you got about 2.2 oz per plant, does that sound about right?
My usual method before trying the screen was just tying down the branches to the screws in the side of the pot, the screws are still there, but not used, in my pic i posted above. But anyway, I am starting to wonder if i made a wise choice to try scrog. On my last grow, i yeilded 7.25 oz off one plant. I just hope i can come close to that wit this method, the whole reason i am doing it was to UP my yeild! even though my yeilds were just fine, there is ALWAYS room for improvement. I cant see how it would yeild less though, i mean, if i do it right, i should be using ALL my canopy, rather then 70% or so, from the way i used to do it. I figure i will have to give this a couple tries before i get it "down" like i had gotten with my last method. I have envisioned having my own scrog grow since I started growing, so I am totally stoked to be doing it, and hopeful as well! I will have to post a pic to show you its progression. I really want to get the timing right! anyway...thanks for letting me bend yr ear man.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I was a little unclear. The 1.6# was 4 plants under 1k light. I think my yields are going to greatly increase with this grow. I am shooting for 1 gram per watt. This grow has got me excited. Have never seen such explosive growth.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I was a little unclear. The 1.6# was 4 plants under 1k light. I think my yields are going to greatly increase with this grow. I am shooting for 1 gram per watt. This grow has got me excited. Have never seen such explosive growth.
hell ya. you got your hands full there!
ok, glad you clarified, i was adding it up, and scratching my head.... lol
I yeilded .86 grams/watt last grow, w/out a net, so i am hoping for 1 gram per watt as well. here's to us reaching our goals! cheers!