Play music for your plants to make them happy

I play heavy metal guitar through a 120Watt Marshall with 4 12in speakers and my plants love it. They all got tattoos and wear leather jackets but they always smoke good. But really I think they like the loud guitar. I have had some awesome runs as of late and I think singing and playing music for them can not hurt.
I have some stubborn beans refusing to sprout, so today figured WTH...reggae. But I think it probably brightened my day to a greater extent than those seeds below ground:

I think that plants respond to whatever energy you put into them. Regardless of what mythbusters says. I believe that playing music for plants is beneficial. Perhaps not in some measurable scientific way relating to sonic stimulation (which I have seen good arguments for) but more in a way that reflects the connection you have to your plants. I have seen grow ops go sour for many reasons that had nothing to do with science. I think that happy people grow happy plants. If you are the type to play music for your plants, you are probably the type to be in the garden enough to notice and treat any problems that may arise. Also, when you are growing for profit...Would you rather give your money to someone with a bad attitude and smoke up their negativity, or buy something that someone put their love and good intentions into?

I guess I got a little off topic there! I just had been reading posts where people had been arguing back and forth what nutrients were better and getting pretty hostile.

It makes me think that the over-commercialization of pot culture is very much upon us. I am all for the progression of the science of growing, but I don't want to rely solely on science and forget the human aspect of what we do.
Well Said!
My wife's mother (a 6th grade teacher) has done classroom experiments with negative energy vs positive, just talking mean to a plant vs using a calm and soothing voice. The plants that were bullied consistently under performed when compared to the other plants. With a strong education in horticultural science, it sounded like bullshit to me, but she has years of results to back up her claim. She is certainly not growing cannabis for her 6th graders but she has used various plants over the years with varying degrees of success. Yet, every time the bullied plant is stunted. I was initially so dubious of her claims that I involved myself to help eliminate any other potential variables. Light duration and density, soil composition, nutrient content, water, air flow, temps, tried swapping rooms in back to back tests, ...
There is definitely something to it.
From research that I have done after the bully tests, Indian flute music seems to have the most powerful effect. Hypothetically mimicking the sound of birds.
There have been studies suggesting intermittent sound is more beneficial than a continuous 24 hour radio.
Definitely a noteworthy topic.
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I play heavy metal guitar through a 120Watt Marshall with 4 12in speakers and my plants love it. They all got tattoos and wear leather jackets but they always smoke good. But really I think they like the loud guitar. I have had some awesome runs as of late and I think singing and playing music for them can not hurt.
When they are seedlings i make them listen to The Doors and The Who , then when there in there 3rd week of veg. i introduce them to little Van Halen and Def Leppard , then i flower them to some Led Zepplin

You may like heavy metal but cellular life does not. Try playing natural resonance like classical and acoustic guitars. The fields do affect cellular development.
Try a grow with music the plants will benefit from next time and see the results.
Try and mimic nature, so the music comes on an hour before they wake up, just like the birds do, then keep it playing until the mid day break, give them a 2 hour dinner time and then Resume the the music until 1 hour after lights off.
I've heard great things from this method with varying the natural music from an iPod such as strings and brass instruments and some singing and whistling mixed in.
There absolutely is something to this regardless of myth busters.
any noise can work

hf sounds work best and magnetic fields

anything that scares off bugs, mice and pests can help your plants grow more

So a UHF bug thingie that has the MF too is a small $5 to 10 investment that can help your plants have a better life
From what I've read, the plants seem to react most positively to songs that mimic bird sounds. I downloaded an app that plays zen relaxing music and chose a soothing track of melodious singing with actual birds singing in the background. Like what you'd hear when you get a massage. I play it for 2 hours twice a day. An hour before/after lights on/off, just when birds are most actively singing. I cannot scientifically rule out placebo, but these girls look like easily personal record breakers.
Update: My buddy just played "Dear Penis" by Rodney Carrington to his ladies. It made their nugs hard.
Playing music for your plants is great way to make anyone that comes over ask you why you have a stereo playing in your basement.
Playing music for your plants is great way to make anyone that comes over ask you why you have a stereo playing in your basement.
Inside of a refurbished refrigerator, surrounded by sound deadening foam, I can blast the zen music app on my phone and from 5 feet away you can't hear anything.