LED drive ELG-100-C1400 dead - wrong setup?


New Member
Hello fellow growers,

so I decided to switch to LED in my little room, mainly because of the temperature. A friend and this amazing forum here gave me a good idea how to build my setup. –Thank you, btw. Anyhow, I started small with 1 Cree cxb 3590 3000k 36V & 1 Cree cxb 3590 3500k 36V. As driver I choose a Mean Well ELG-100-C1400b. Each COB was mounted on a 3.98’’ active cooled heat sink. This setup worked well for 2 months and the plant loved it, until suddenly the driver died. =(

Now imho there could be 4 reasons:

· I am stupid and I missed something when building the setup. Should I have gone with ELG-150-C1400?
· The driver was just not ok.
· I noticed one of the solder connections (at a cob) was broken. Maybe a loose connection killed my driver? I switched to COB holders now.
· Since the driver allows dimming I implemented a fade out/ fade in cycle when the light turned on/off using a microcontroller. Although I never noticed anything wrong with this, maybe that was a bad idea.

I know you guys can only guess, too, what exactly went wrong, but I would be happy if I can exclude “wrong setup” from the list. Ultimately, someone has good hints or experience fixing a broken LED driver.



Well-Known Member
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Shit happens...... sometimes...
39 volt maximum @ 2400ma (Tj=85C). But he has ELG-100-C1400, if i check the test report of this driver, the OUTPUT CURRENT ADJUST RANGE is: 0.632A~1.489A
So he should not hit the 39volt with the cxb 3590 (36 volt version). At 1,5 A the cxb 3590 should use something like 35-36 volt(not 100% exact). My knowledge is not so good in electric and Leds, maybe im not able to understand the PDF of CXB 3590 not correct:/

In my eyes you selected the correct driver. Did you tested the 2 Leds, if they work with other driver(if you have)? How do you know the Driver is the problem?
Maybe the Leds are the problem (to bad cooling and they are damaged now).
Maybe some other members have some more tips how you should check it:/


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New Member
Hi Malocan,

that was the first thing I suspected, too. As I mentioned one of the soldering joints were bad. But I already tested the LEDs. I upgraded the system to 4 COBS running on Mean Well HLG-185H-C1400.
So it should be the driver.

I guess it was just to "edgy" setup ;)

Thank you for the tipps.