Outdoors you would use mothers day to father's day I have heard so early May to mid/late September.
Depends on climate too.
Ok thanks 420guy4life, i was hoping someone might have some location/climate specific info for me, but ill probably just have to reasarch my local climate and put together som data on daylight hours and weather patterns and stuff. Thanks for the info bro
search google for your agriculture zone and and look up when to start tomatoes in your zone that will be roughly the same timeline as youd need man id look it up for you to give a better answer but country's have diff argri zones for different parts of country
Ok cool, thanks evergreengardener ill see what info on tomatoes in can get for around my area, might ask a few locals how they go with tomatoes and stuff
yeah thanks mate, ill just have to do a bit of good ol' googling and put together some local climate data and stuff so i can know what im dealing with
thanks for help guys