Flowering Journal G-17 Indica, 228 watts 4' fluorescent tubes


Well-Known Member
Look great, cant wait to get my fluoros in a couple weeks, the 400w hps is just to much heat for me


Active Member
So I'm at day 26 with my girl and I've noticed some wilting today and yesterday. Yesterday I gave her some water and, she reacted well. Today I gave her a light perimeter feeding and she reacted well again.. so what can I expect tomorrow? lol Somethings obviously missing, so I've put an order out for a ph tester today, to check things out more thoroughly...

But until that arrives, what should I do if it gets bad?

thanks:wall: *shoulda got a ph tester in the first place*



Well-Known Member
flushing as i understand it is to saturate the soil one time really good with plain water to flush out the salt buildup from the nutes...nice ladies btw...are you using 3 double lights?:weed:


Well-Known Member
the last two weeks b4 you harvest stop feeding with nute. use only water and the last week dont put anything on it


Active Member
42 days flowering g-17 indica 228 watts 4 foot flouro's, 28 days to go.. (60-70 days)

could someone please explain the concept of flushing and when and how it should be administered?


to flush it, you basicly give it 2 big doses of fresh water within 24 hours of the harvest
high times says it like this, ill paraphrase
add enough water to the dirt to completely saturate it, let it drain for a few minutes
then add an amount of water equal to the size of the container the plants are growing in, like for a 1 gallon container, youd use atleast 1 gallon of water or more, within reason
if youre growing in soil you wana be sure and harvest within 24 hours of flushing, cuz the soil will start to feed the plant more of the crap youre trying to flush away once it has time to start drying out


Well-Known Member
42 days flowering g-17 indica 228 watts 4 foot flouro's, 28 days to go.. (60-70 days)

could someone please explain the concept of flushing and when and how it should be administered?

:leaf::leaf: Looking great. You basically just run alot of water through the plant. About 2 or 3 times the amount of soil you have in your pot. I ran 3 gallons through mine when i flushed her. :leaf::leaf:


Active Member
you should flush two weeks b4 harvest.(me,i like to go three weeks)when you flush you should use just p.h.'d water.(a p.h. of 6.5-7.0 is optimal 4 soil.A p.h. of 5.5-6.5 is the optimal level for hydroponics.)


Active Member
So my girl has done her turn, pretty surprised for 228 watts of flouro tubing, but all in all, I think a pretty decent run.

She smokes a dream!!!

See you on the next one guys

:joint: (any clues as to the yield by looking? I haven't officially weighed it yet)



Active Member
-day 19, 12/12
-228 watts cool white, gro-lux combo 4 foot tubes
-full strength 10-52-10 every week, (approx. 50 ml.)
-g-17 indica, local hybrid, 60-70 days, indoor/outdoor
-about 1/3rd the way there! Any advice?

r u sure about being ''indica'' sure looks like sativa or cross 2 me


Well-Known Member
I f you want to learn how to MAXIMIZE the output of your fluoros you can search "ODNO" on yahoo and it shows you how to convert your balast for more watts.