Setting excess babies free?

Honey Oil Riot Squad

Well-Known Member
Hey guys,
So my Monster cropping (clones during flower for greater yield) experiment was a great success. I took a ton of clones in fear some wouldn't take bc I didn't use rooting hormone, but low and behold I got a 100% success rate lol. So now I've got like 13 clones and I can only fit a max of like 8 in my tent.

But I was thinking I suppose it's getting to be spring... could I just go take a wonder into the woods and set my extra clones "free" to Nature for the summer?
I have not looked into outdoor growing at all bc it is much more unpractical where I live due to climate. But possible. So... could I just like go take these extras and stick em in some dirt somewhere and hope something happens over the summer lol or is that kinda hopeless?

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
Are you still having frosts? If so, you will need to set up some sort of improvised green house until the frost are done for the season. And they may go into flower because of the short days, but they will reveg when the days get longer.

Dig a good sized hole, and put a little time release plant food or soil mix in and you can have a harvest off them.

Honey Oil Riot Squad

Well-Known Member
Are you still having frosts? If so, you will need to set up some sort of improvised green house until the frost are done for the season. And they may go into flower because of the short days, but they will reveg when the days get longer.

Dig a good sized hole, and put a little time release plant food or soil mix in and you can have a harvest off them.
Where do I get this special time released soil?
I can keep my extras under CFL until the frostings stop.

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
I add the Time Release to my soil mix. Osmocote is the most common brand, but there are several others as well. Most of the garden centers at the big box stores have it. I'm using it as well as MG citrus time release. It only lasts three months instead of six, but it's half the cost too.

And all time release plant food is released by water. So if you have a very wet summer, it will release before the time on the label.

Honey Oil Riot Squad

Well-Known Member
I add the Time Release to my soil mix. Osmocote is the most common brand, but there are several others as well. Most of the garden centers at the big box stores have it. I'm using it as well as MG citrus time release. It only lasts three months instead of six, but it's half the cost too.

And all time release plant food is released by water. So if you have a very wet summer, it will release before the time on the label.
Thanks! What if the time released nutes all get used up though? If they only last 3 months?

Now I just gotta find a spot outside but there is no where on my property it could go lol...
The chances of this getting torn down before harvest: I say 75%... oh well. Worth it.

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
Thanks! What if the time released nutes all get used up though? If they only last 3 months?

Now I just gotta find a spot outside but there is no where on my property it could go lol...
The chances of this getting torn down before harvest: I say 75%... oh well. Worth it.
How long is your growing season? If it's going to be a month before you can put them out, the 6 month time release should work for you.

I grow all my stuff outside, and have 75-80 holes dug. With that many, I don't try to do a soil mix for all of them. Some {I call the Long Walk Patches} have plain 13-13-13 bulk farm fertilizer, two or three kinds of time release, lime, Epson salts and used coffee grounds. I use the time release because you don't have to check on them very often. If they do run out, I will add blood meal or some other form of N. I have even used regular MG. Don't like to, but it does work.

Getting good Southern sun is important. You need at least 4 or 5 hours of direct sunlight. Take your compass when you are scouting holes.

Honey Oil Riot Squad

Well-Known Member
How long is your growing season? If it's going to be a month before you can put them out, the 6 month time release should work for you.

I grow all my stuff outside, and have 75-80 holes dug. With that many, I don't try to do a soil mix for all of them. Some {I call the Long Walk Patches} have plain 13-13-13 bulk farm fertilizer, two or three kinds of time release, lime, Epson salts and used coffee grounds. I use the time release because you don't have to check on them very often. If they do run out, I will add blood meal or some other form of N. I have even used regular MG. Don't like to, but it does work.

Getting good Southern sun is important. You need at least 4 or 5 hours of direct sunlight. Take your compass when you are scouting holes.
Let's just say I'm in southern Canada lol... close enough. Long hot summers. Probably would be able to plant them in a month or so. 6 months sounds about right. But that sounds good, I will try and find the 6 month time release.

Thanks a lot!

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Let's just say I'm in southern Canada lol... close enough. Long hot summers. Probably would be able to plant them in a month or so. 6 months sounds about right. But that sounds good, I will try and find the 6 month time release.

Thanks a lot!
May long weekend is pretty safe for eastern Ontario. And hope for rain lol. If your not planning on taking care of them then they probably won't do that well but you never know.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Are you still having frosts? If so, you will need to set up some sort of improvised green house until the frost are done for the season. And they may go into flower because of the short days, but they will reveg when the days get longer.

Dig a good sized hole, and put a little time release plant food or soil mix in and you can have a harvest off them.
Fuck all that......Put them outside in the ground and cover them with a big jar until no freeze's.....late spring frosts on established plants are not a "death" for sure.....the clones are "extra's" - what do you have to loose! Great chance to learn outdoor growing!


Well-Known Member
Yeah they'll live and grow just fine. Don't stick em in the woods though. Outside of the tree line is fine. Google earth lands around train tracks. Nature can take care of them as well if they're in ground. Unless you're in an insanely dry climate. Those roots will dig in search of water.
As far as Osmocote and it running out. Just topdress it when needed. Also search for the 10-10-10 or 15-15-15 mix. The tomato food has a nice well rounded ratio as well. Grew some guerilla girls with freaking baseball bat colas with nothing but the tomato feed and rain. The 10-10-10 is my choice though cause it's milder than the others.

Skunk Baxter

Well-Known Member
It's a weed, and weeds tend to grow rather well outdoors on their own. Pick a spot with good soil and a decent moisture profile, with a water table fairly close to the surface if you can, and the roots will find it. One thing I always try to do is plant as early as possible, because it you wait until too late into the summer, the native plants will have become established and your small plant will often get crowded out in the competition for sunlight.

Don't expect much in the way of yield if you're not going to be fertilizing them, but then again you never know. You may be pleasantly surprised. I've had plants that I just stuck outside in early May, and went back and harvested in September, and got a quarter pound off of them. Really depends on the strain, how much rain they get, and how good the soil is.

Honey Oil Riot Squad

Well-Known Member
I've put extra clones out in late July, and get a bunch of small single cola plants around 12-16" tall in mid September. Real easy to hide around the yard.
Not where I live lol. Unfortunately. These, if I cannot find a home to donate them too, are goin deeeep into the woods somewhere. I've got some ideas. Still, I discovered places like this from just wandering as a teenager with friends, others might find it the same way. I'll hide it my best but like in reality some high school kid is gonna come along in like fucking early august with his friends and be amazed at this random weed plant they discover ed deep in the woods and rip em right out of the ground lol.

But I mean, at least it's for something lol. At least I make some kids day


Well-Known Member
Since they will probably get compromised by rippers or pests anyways I would suggest putting them in easily viewable random public places all around the city with an elf on the shelf sitting next to each one. Wear your Guy Fawkes mask to conceal your identity while you do it.
It'll get on the news and you will raise awareness and people will get a good laugh out of it..... Like Mark Emery said overgrow the government.

Honey Oil Riot Squad

Well-Known Member
Since they will probably get compromised by rippers or pests anyways I would suggest putting them in easily viewable random public places all around the city with an elf on the shelf sitting next to each one. Wear your Guy Fawkes mask to conceal your identity while you do it.
It'll get on the news and you will raise awareness and people will get a good laugh out of it..... Like Mark Emery said overgrow the government.
Yes. Just yes