to vaporize or not to vaporize


Well-Known Member
I know you have discussed this before. HELP! I had a cheap vaporizer. One with no temperature setting. The weed tasted like butt when I inhaled on the plastic tube. YUCK!!! Plus I didn't get high making this a total waste of pot and the money I spend on the piece on junk vaporizer.

What is the magic temperature setting so that you get the benefits of the vaporizer without the tar and icky stuff from the weed?

Has anyone else had a problem with cheap or crappy vaporizers. Is there really one that works and doesn't cost $500? I am tired of coughing and coughing and coughing.

Widow Maker

Well-Known Member
The only one I have ever smoked out of was a volcano. I think its $500-600. I dont know much else about it.

Widow Maker

Well-Known Member
It was pretty good. I dont think I got as high as I would on a bong. Lol, you are trying to make me remember 3+ years ago when I cant remember what I had for dinner last night lol,j/k. If I remember right it was real smooth. No coughing. I believe it tasted like it smelled. I thought that was cool.

My buddy sells his vaporized buds for $5 a gram. lol.


Uses the Rollitup profile
I use a vaporizer every day. I prefer it to smoke, but I still like to smoke, too.
The vaporizer delivers a cleaner high, no effect from the smoke.

Volcanoes are outstanding, and the price has been coming down, but still 450...

I've used many homemade jobs too. most don't work so great.

I've heard good things about the Vapolution, and for $125 it may be worth a try. See here:

Northern California herbal vaporizers- Vapolution Vaporizer

HTH :mrgreen:

Widow Maker

Well-Known Member
I use a vaporizer every day. I prefer it to smoke, but I still like to smoke, too.
The vaporizer delivers a cleaner high, no effect from the smoke.

Volcanoes are outstanding, and the price has been coming down, but still 450...

I've used many homemade jobs too. most don't work so great.

I've heard good things about the Vapolution, and for $125 it may be worth a try. See here:

Northern California herbal vaporizers- Vapolution Vaporizer

HTH :mrgreen:
Thats funny. It says car adapter included. lol

Stoners do make better drivers though.


Well-Known Member
i have one that is yellow with bob marley on it, its just a wodden box with a heating element and a lazer cut glass tube, the lazer cut is so you can leave it there. i like it a lot, it was like 100 and it is amazing, it give you a really mellow high, thats why right now i am going through a bong faze after getting my new 2 foot kaos bong with an ice twist. its amazing!


Well-Known Member


Active Member
...storz & bickel are my own personal gods...get a volcano...

i will agree i myself am a tester of many cannibus related proudects
i have started from the bottem up

generic vaps soddering iron (type ) " CRAP waste of 100$ not a good heat setting over cooks or under cooks

go up to some thing like the vapair handheld Ac or battery cost about 300 works good great use of bags as well as the Tray loading aera i like haveing the bowls i can pre pack i would give it 7 out of 10
i found the bags wernt big enough and the unit itself needs to be held upright and i would perfer to lay it down so i got two hands free


THE VOLCANO i purchased a volcano for 650 + tax comes out to 750
and WELL WORTH IT the night i got it home i ordered some cannibus from my local destrubiter i got a 1/4 cost 50$ usally smoking i would go thru a 1/2 oz a day filling about 2 cm a bowl hitting the bowl for 6 bags 3 hoots a bag (reg bag that comes with it) only uses 1 gram i was so high off 1 gram i had to hit it with a bong to see what the diffrence was VOLCANO 9 out of 10 (there is alwasy room for improvement )
i think there should be a easy way to attach the bags to the adaptor

being a product tester and a hevey smoker i find that above all else the volcano saves money in the proudect you smoke it goes a long way even to a heavy smoker and that makes up for the hefty price of 650

and for thoes who say i can get mine off ebay remeber shipping and taxes works out to about 650

mike kennedy


Active Member
The perfect temperature I heard or so is 274 degrees farenheit.
This allows for 40% more intake of THC that is usually destroyed by heat.


Well-Known Member
That is what I have been looking that magic number. Still a lot of money to pay when I can just smoke it out of my pipe. But the health benefits seem overwhelming. Do you get as high using a vaporizer?


Personally, i have not tried a vaporizer.. i would try it, however i love smoking pot. i don't think a vaporizer will beat my bong. p.s. moogie get some lung power and you wont cough as much man, lung power = very stoned. i belive the little thing you usually get after surgery is an incentive sporomoter or something, probobly the wrong spelling, anyway this helps you're breathing
, by maximizing the use of your lungs, and all the tiny little air sacks that don't inflate during normal breaths. a gravity bong has this effect. i have been smoking off a grav for a long time. you will cough bad if you have not smoked off of these before, they get me SO much higher, and they will do the same for you.. i can clear a grav the size of a 2liter bottle without hacking now. and a bowl couldnt make me cough unless i tried real hard. one warning though, since started smoking out of the gravity a bowl wont barley do shit for me. and i have to burn so much more, to get an effect off a bowl that is equal to 2 full gravity hits, with the same type of jane, i'd have to smoke about 3 .3 gram bowls one after another. thus consuming a gram instead of .1 or .2 which fills my tiny g hitter piece.

p.s. granted that the tars from smoking pot isnt good for you lungs, but with a gravity bong having that effect it is good for your lungs. making them stonger and healthier. however your taking in the tar and other harmfuls too.. at least your promoting them somewhat, right? :D